Issue - items at meetings - Winter Service Plan update (potential)
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Winter Service Plan update (potential)
Meeting: 07/03/2012 - Environment & Community Safety Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Item 51)
Winter Service Plan verbal update
51.1 The Head of Highways Operations Christina Liassides gave a verbal report on the Winter Service Plan, following the scrutiny review.
51.2 Communications had been one of the main learning points from recent severe weather events; the Head of Highways Operations had provided regular briefings especially to Ward Councillors during the February snow and ice. Less than half of the City had been affected but the western side saw snow and ice for 8 – 9 days.
51.3 Each cold weather event was different and experience of the various local conditions had again been used to advantage. The team had worked well and had been able to open up the bus routes quickly. The new gritters including the pavement gritters had performed much better than previous equipment and the new ploughs had been put to good use. New techniques had been tried – for instance gritters had followed each other to track the grit in and this had been effective. The team’s drivers were pleased; finer gritting could now be achieved, to produce a lower spread rate over a greater width and with more accuracy.
51.4 Many of the affected areas had asked for more gritting; however the CityClean staff in the team also needed to continue their regular work on waste and recycling collection rounds. It was important that services were provided consistently; so it had been impossible to grit everywhere. Access could perhaps be improved a little on some hilltop areas and the gritting routes here would be adjusted if necessary.
51.5 A covering for storing salt was the only scrutiny recommendation that had not been achieved. Hollingdean depot was being redeveloped and a temporary covering was prohibitively expensive. Stores were being kept at premises in West Sussex and at Shoreham Harbour. A thatching agent produced a natural cover to the outdoor stockpile, so that very little salt was lost. However this salt formed lumps that had to be broken up and produced a less fine spread compared with salt stored indoors.
51.6 The Head of Highways Operations said the Scrutiny process had helped to publicise the City’s response to severe weather and led to significant improvements in the service.
51.7 Members noted it was unfortunate that some grit bins (not on the highways) had been locked during the icy period.
51.8 On behalf of the Committee the Chair thanked the officers for maintaining routes throughout the city and for providing information during long working hours.
51.9 RESOLVED; that if necessary a further update be made to a future scrutiny meeting.