Issue - items at meetings - Admissions Arrangements for Brighton & Hove Schools 2014/15
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Admissions Arrangements for Brighton & Hove Schools 2014/15
Meeting: 28/03/2013 - Council (Item 108)
108 Admissions Arrangements for Brighton & Hove Schools 2014/15 PDF 70 KB
Additional documents:
- Admissions Arrangements for Brighton & Hove Schools 2014/15, item 108 PDF 80 KB View as HTML (108/2) 76 KB
- Enc. 1 for Admissions Arrangements for Brighton & Hove Schools 2014/15, item 108 PDF 151 KB View as HTML (108/3) 96 KB
- Enc. 2 for Admissions Arrangements for Brighton & Hove Schools 2014/15, item 108 PDF 84 KB View as HTML (108/4) 108 KB
- Enc. 3 for Admissions Arrangements for Brighton & Hove Schools 2014/15, item 108 PDF 83 KB View as HTML (108/5) 64 KB
- Enc. 4 for Admissions Arrangements for Brighton & Hove Schools 2014/15, item 108 PDF 80 KB View as HTML (108/6) 60 KB
- Enc. 5 for Admissions Arrangements for Brighton & Hove Schools 2014/15, item 108 PDF 75 KB View as HTML (108/7) 117 KB
- Enc. 6 for Admissions Arrangements for Brighton & Hove Schools 2014/15, item 108 PDF 389 KB
- Webcast for Admissions Arrangements for Brighton & Hove Schools 2014/15
Meeting: 11/03/2013 - Children & Young People Committee (Item 63)
63 Admissions Arrangements for Brighton & Hove Schools 2014/15 PDF 80 KB
Report of the Interim Director, Children’s Services (copy attached) (Appendix 6 to follow)
Additional documents:
- Consultation Bulletin 14-15, item 63 PDF 151 KB View as HTML (63/2) 95 KB
- Parents consultation paper for web site, item 63 PDF 84 KB View as HTML (63/3) 109 KB
- 2014-15 Secondary Coordinated Scheme, item 63 PDF 86 KB View as HTML (63/4) 68 KB
- 2014-15 Primary coordinated scheme, item 63 PDF 82 KB View as HTML (63/5) 64 KB
- 2013-14 In Year coordinated scheme, item 63 PDF 75 KB View as HTML (63/6) 116 KB
That the Committee recommends the following to full Council for approval:-
2.1 That the proposed school admission numbers set out in the consultation documents be adopted for the admissions year 2014/15, with the exception of Stanford Infant School which will remain at 90 rather than increasing to 120 as proposed.
2.2 That the admission priorities for Community Schools set out in the Consultation documents be adopted for all age groups.
That the Council should review the final version of the Cardinal Newman Roman Catholic Secondary School and King’s Church of England Free School admission arrangements (as amended in light of the Diocesan response and parental and school responses) to decide whether it should comment further.
63.1 The Committee considered a report of the Interim Director, Children’s Services setting out the proposed school admission arrangements for the City’s schools for 2014/15.
63.2 The Head of Capital Strategy explained that each year local authorities must consult on school admission arrangements and school admission numbers with community schools and voluntary aided schools, neighbouring local authorities and with parents living in the City. This process included the proposed admission priorities for community schools and those proposed by the governing bodies of voluntary aided schools and those proposed by voluntary aided schools and academies. This consultation took place approximately 18 months in advance of the school year in which pupils should be admitted under the proposed arrangements. The consultation papers for the 2014/15 admission year for Brighton and Hove were attached as an appendix to the report.
63.3 It was noted that the consultation process had to be concluded by 1 March 2013, with a minimum of 8 weeks consultation time, that requirement had been fulfilled. The City Council had to have reached its decisions and confirmed its admission arrangements for 2014/15 by 15 April 2013 in order to conform to the requirements of the School Admissions Code.
63.4 Councillor Pissaridou enquired regarding the number of successful appeals in relation to particular schools. She was particularly concerned at the potential impact of decisions such as that to allow a number of additional pupils into Dorothy Stringer School which the school then had to absorb. She was concerned about what restraints were placed on Appeal Panel Members. It was agreed that information relating to the number of successful appeals would be provided to Members separately.
63.5 Councillor Lepper also enquired regarding the training received by those sitting on Appeals Panels. Under previous legislation elected Councillors had sat on such panels, they had received in depth training and had taken their decision making role very seriously, appeals had only been successful in exceptional circumstances.
63.6 The Legal Adviser to the Committee explained that Appeal Panel Members were appointed and trained in line with statutory requirements and received regular and on-going training. Their role was independent of the Local Education Authority as required by legislation. The Democratic Services Team who clerked the Appeal Panels took a pro-active role in ensuring that Appeal Panels were properly clerked and that Members were properly trained and took proper advice when arriving at decisions. She was aware that legal advice was sought throughout the process including during the course of appeal hearings themselves if this was considered appropriate. The Legal Adviser also confirmed that after the appeals Panel last year the way the Panel were appointed, trained and advised was being examined and a report would be given on progress.
63.7 Councillor Gilbey enquired regarding the potential impact on Portslade Aldridge Community College (PACA) if a number of potential pupils were to attend the new King’s School. The Head of Capital Strategy explained that Parents set out their preferences on school admissions application forms and the LEA always sought to meet their highest stated preference if it was able to do so.
63.8 A vote was taken and Members agreed to the recommendations set out below.
63.9 RESOLVED TO RECOMMEND TO COUNCIL: The Committee recommends the following to full Council for approval:-
(1) That the proposed school admission numbers set out in the consultation documents be adopted for the admissions year 2014/15, with the exception ofStanford Infant School which will remain at 90 rather than increasing to 120 as proposed;
2.2 (2)That the admission priorities for Community Schools set out in the Consultation documents be adopted for all age groups;
2.3 (3) That the Council should review the final version of the Cardinal Newman Roman Catholic Secondary School and King’s Church of England Free School admission arrangements (as amended in light of the Diocesan response and parental and school responses) to decide whether it should comment further;
2. (4) That the co-ordinated schemes of admission be approved; and
2.5 (5) That the City boundary be retained as the relevant area for consultation for school admissions.