Issue - items at meetings - Review of Community Mental Health Support Services
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Review of Community Mental Health Support Services
Meeting: 23/04/2012 - Joint Commissioning Board (Item 46)
46 Review of Community Mental Health Support Services PDF 118 KB
Report of the Chief Operating Officer, Brighton and Hove Clinical Commissioning Group and the Director of Adult Social Services/Lead Commissioning People (copy attached).
(1) That the preferred route to securing new services be agreed.
(2) That the outline service requirements which will be developed for use in a forthcoming prospectus – contained in Appendix 2 be noted.
46.1 The Board considered a report of the Chief Operating Officer, Brighton and Hove Clinical Commissioning Group and the Director of Adult Social Services/Lead Commissioner People which set out an explanation of the preferred route to securing new services and outlined outcome-based service requirements against which potential providers would be invited to make bids for services. Members were reminded that the Board held in February 2012 had noted the results of a consultation process, and agreed proposals for services changes.
46.2 The Locality Transformation Programme Manager explained that consideration had been given to the most appropriate route for securing services. A prospectus approach was recommended as set out in paragraph 3.2 of the report. Appendix 2 of the report set out the type of information that would be written into the prospectus. Proposed Activity Level and funding had not yet been inserted into the prospectus.
46.3 Denise Stokoe stressed that it was important not to exclude smaller providers. The Director of Adult Social Services replied that she wanted to see providers coming together to achieve set outcomes.
46.4 The Chief Operations Officer stressed the need to look at an indication of absolute maximum amounts that health and social care would be prepared to pay, rather than indicative amounts.
46.5 Councillor Norman stated that it was an interesting document and he was looking forward to it being implemented. Flexibility was important as there were so many variables.
46.6 The Chair stated that he was supportive of the implementation of the prospectus approach.
46.7 The Chief Operations Officer spoke about the need to support the third sector in relation to the responses to the tender exercises, possibly through the role of brokers. The Director of Adult Social Services stated that there had been some ongoing discussion about this issue. The model allowed a more open and interactive approach.
46.8 RESOLVED - (1) That the preferred route to securing new services be agreed.
(2) That the outline service requirements which will be developed for use in a forthcoming prospectus – contained in Appendix 2 be noted.