Issue - items at meetings - Stanmer Park - Traditional Agricultural Buildings Update

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Issue - meetings

Stanmer Park - Traditional Agricultural Buildings Update

Meeting: 19/04/2012 - Cabinet (pre 2012) (Item 252)

252 Stanmer Park - Traditional Agricultural Buildings Update pdf icon PDF 111 KB

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252.1    Councillor West introduced the report stated that following the surrender of Home Farm agricultural tenancy, the council had obtained vacant possession of the traditional agricultural buildings located within Stanmer Village.  Having acquired the buildings it was proposed to draw up a revised Downland Estates Policy that would enable the restoration and refurbishment of the buildings so that they could be put back into mixed use.  It was intended to establish a project team to take the work forward and produce a feasibility study that could then lead to the use of the buildings in the future.


252.2    Councillor Mitchell noted the report and stated that she felt the council had been at this stage before and questioned the need for the use of £75k to produce a new plan when a great deal of the information was already held by the council.  She supported the aim to bring the buildings back into use but felt that this could be achieved without having to redefine the business case etc.


252.3    Councillor Peltzer Dunn agreed with Councillor Mitchell over the availability of the information and expressed concern over the impact the raising of expectations may have in regard to the redevelopment of the buildings on the current viable business that existed in the village.


252.4    Councillor West noted the comments and stated that he believed there was a need to revise the feasibility study and look to encourage support from other parties so as to enable the restoration and re-use of the buildings.  He also wished to move an amendment to recommendation 2.1 to include the word ‘City’ in front of Downland.


252.5    Councillor Bowden formally seconded the amendment.


252.6    The Chair noted the comments and agreed that the current business needed to be taken into account in regard to any future proposals.  He then put the recommendations as amended to the vote.


252.7    RESOLVED:


(1)         That it be agreed to consult with the SDNPA, tenants and other interested parties on the refreshed City Downland Initiative called the Downland Estate policy that fits into the One Planet Living principles and UN Biosphere Reserve status; and


(2)         That the progress made to date be noted and the appointment of a project team to establish the feasibility of the Home Farm buildings being refurbished as a gateway to the South Downs National Park be supported.  Working in partnership with the SDNPA the project team will establish a planned and costed development strategy that fits into the developing master plan for the Park capable of being used, for applications for grant funding, such as, the Heritage Lottery Grant Fund.  Funding for the project team’s initial set up costs of £75,000 is to be met from existing capital budgets.


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