Issue - items at meetings - Summer Activities for Children and Families
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Summer Activities for Children and Families
Meeting: 18/04/2012 - Children & Young People's Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Item 41)
41 Summer Activities for Children and Families PDF 95 KB
Caroline Parker – Sure Start Service Manager will be presenting the report
Additional documents:
- ITEM 41 -App 2 Museums What's On May-Aug 2012 working copy, item 41 PDF 107 KB View as HTML (41/2) 60 KB
- Item 41 app 3 Summer Flyer 2011 (2), item 41 PDF 588 KB
- Item41 Summer Activities Appendix 4, item 41 PDF 96 KB View as HTML (41/4) 336 KB
41.1 The Chair informed the committee that this report had been requested by the Cabinet Member for CYPOSC to comment upon. Caroline Parker – Sure Start Service Manager introduced the report and answered questions.
41.2 Questions raised and discussions included:
· Would it be possible for sports centres to offer free or subsidised swimming to children and young people? The committee heard how swimming was free for children under 11. The Sports Development team offered subsidised taster swimming sessions.
· Members were informed that children with disabilities who had Compass cards received discounts and also free gym membership. Summer Fun includes information from Amaze in the section on activities for children and young people with special needs.
The committee heard how the Summer Fun booklet was well used and
providers received telephone calls from parents who referred to the
booklet. The Extratime playscheme is
very well used and it did not always have places
Did Brighton and Hove Albion offer summer activities? Members were informed that the Albion ran courses
at various venues and this was advertised in the Summer Fun
· The Cabinet Member suggested that Summer Fun could display a calendar displaying the events in the centre pages to help parents plan activities for their children. .
· The Cabinet Member enquired as to whether there were drop in activities? The committee were informed that Summer Fun included information on drop in activities run by the Play Bus, Children’s Centres, and the Library Service.
A youth council representative asked why the council
didn’t use bus stops or boarded up shops to advertise the
summer activities? Members were informed that the council had used
the bus stops for advertising before but this was costly and the
stops had to be individually identified. Consultation feedback from
young people was that they preferred to receive information via
facebook which was also a cost
· A youth council representative asked what did co-producing actually mean? The committee were told that this was partnership working with the delivery of services.
· A youth council representative asked why the Summer Fun publication came out at a certain time, then there was a further flyer nearer the time. Why were there two publications and not just one nearer the time right before the summer holidays began? Members were informed that Summer Fun was published in June to allow parents time to book activities for the summer. Summer Fun extra is an one line supplement which includes information received after the Summer Fun deadline.
· A youth council representative asked whether elderly people over 65 had free activities that they were offered to them? The committee heard how there are activities for older people and that more information would be provided.
· The parent governor spoke highly about the range of activities on offer to families compared to other authorities who offered a much more limited amount.
14.3 RESOLVED- CYPOSC noted and commented on the report.