Issue - items at meetings - Preston Barracks
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Preston Barracks
Meeting: 12/03/2009 - Cabinet (pre 2012) (Item 190)
Preston Barracks
Report of the Director of Cultural Services (copy circulated to Members only)
[Exempt Category 3]
Additional documents:
- Restricted enclosure 2
- Restricted enclosure 3
- Webcast for Preston Barracks
(1) That the project’s complex history and background be noted and that these factors that had a significant influence on the city council’s decision to grant landowner consent in September 2007, thus giving the developer a final opportunity to progress the scheme.
(2) That the revised proposals submitted by the Preferred Developer be noted, and that the considerable efforts it has made over the past 5 years to deliver a high quality scheme at Preston Barracks be recognised.
(3) That the assessment findings and the officers’ view that the latest proposals, as set out in Section 3 of the report, add risk and uncertainty to an already difficult scheme.
(4) That the recommendations of the Project Board, which concluded that the revised proposals should not be supported and that landowner consent and preferred developer status should therefore be withdrawn (Option 4) be approved.
(5) That in the absence of an agreed scheme, and in view of the many options considered over time, it is agreed that it is appropriate for the city council to review the development opportunities and to explore alternative delivery arrangements with interested parties.
(6) That whilst it is appropriate for the full content of this report to remain confidential, the above recommendations should, subject to the Cabinet’s final decision, be made public.
190.1 The Cabinet considered a report of the Director of Cultural Services that advised on the significant developments in the delivery of the Preston Barracks scheme. Most notably the Preferred Developer’s response to deteriorating property market conditions, resulting in submission of revisions to the scheme granted landowner consent in September 2007. The report summarised the nature of the proposed revisions, set out key issues arising from these, and advised of the Project Board’s recommendations (for copy see minute book).
190.2 RESOLVED - That, having considered the information and the reasons set out in the report, the Cabinet accepted the following recommendations:
(1) That the project’s complex history and background be noted and that these factors that had a significant influence on the city council’s decision to grant landowner consent in September 2007, thus giving the developer a final opportunity to progress the scheme.
(2) That the revised proposals submitted by the Preferred Developer be noted, and that the considerable efforts it has made over the past 5 years to deliver a high quality scheme at Preston Barracks be recognised.
(3) That the assessment findings and the officers’ view that the latest proposals, as set out in Section 3 of the report, add risk and uncertainty to an already difficult scheme.
(4) That the recommendations of the Project Board, which concluded that the revised proposals should not be supported and that landowner consent and preferred developer status should therefore be withdrawn (Option 4) be approved.
(5) That in the absence of an agreed scheme, and in view of the many options considered over time, it is agreed that it is appropriate for the city council to review the development opportunities and to explore alternative delivery arrangements with interested parties.
(6) That whilst it is appropriate for the full content of this report to remain confidential, the above recommendations should, subject to the Cabinet’s final decision, be made public.
190.3 The Cabinet determined that the recommendations contained within the confidential report should be made public following their approval.