Issue - items at meetings - North Laine Permeability TRO Report
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North Laine Permeability TRO Report
Meeting: 04/05/2012 - Environment, Transport & Sustainability Cabinet Members Meeting (Item 115)
115 North Laine Permeability TRO Report PDF 87 KB
Report of the Strategic Director, Place (copy attached).
Additional documents:
- Appendix 1: North Laine Cycle Permeability Review, item 115 PDF 2 MB
- Appendix 2: North Laine Permeability Study: Existing layout, item 115 PDF 986 KB
- Appendix 3: North Laine Permeability Study: Recommended Layout, item 115 PDF 1006 KB
- Appendix 4: North Laine Permeability Study: Qualitative Assesment Results, item 115 PDF 18 KB
- Appendix 5: North Laine Permeability Study: TRO responses, item 115 PDF 71 KB View as HTML (115/6) 88 KB
- Cabinet_Member_Meeting_Report_for_North_Laine_Permeability_TRO_Report_addendum, item 115 PDF 57 KB View as HTML (115/7) 32 KB
- Appendix 5 Amended, item 115 PDF 81 KB View as HTML (115/8) 99 KB
That the Cabinet Member for Transport & Public Realm, having taken into account all duly made objections and representations, due to the reasons stated in the report, gives approval to the TROs as advertised and gives approval for officers to begin implementation of the proposed cycle contraflow network scheme.
115.1 Councillor Davey considered a report of the Strategic Director, Place, and an Officer update stating that the proposed contra flow in the North Laine area was to address concerns in relation to safety, and support cycling. The formal consultation had only closed the day before the meeting, and the additional road markings would be trialled.
115.2 Councillor Janio noted his support for the scheme, but highlighted it would need to be monitored. Councillor Mitchell also welcomed the report.
115.3 RESOLVED - That the Cabinet Member for Transport & Public Realm, having taken into account all duly made objections and representations, due to the reasons stated in the report, gives approval to the TROs as advertised and gives approval for officers to begin implementation of the proposed cycle contraflow network scheme.