Issue - items at meetings - Boundary amendment to the article 4 direction on Houses in Multiple Occupation

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Issue - meetings

Boundary amendment to the article 4 direction on Houses in Multiple Occupation

Meeting: 19/04/2012 - Cabinet (pre 2012) (Item 253)

253 Boundary amendment to the article 4 direction on Houses in Multiple Occupation pdf icon PDF 72 KB

Report of the Strategic Director; Place (copy attached).

Additional documents:


253.1    The Chair noted that the Cabinet had previously approved the boundary amendment to the article 4 direction on Houses in Multiple Occupation, however, it had come to light that an area fell within the National Park boundary and therefore could not be included.  The report simply allowed for that amendment to be recognised.


253.2    RESOLVED: That the Cabinet notes the amendment to the boundary of the area to be covered by the article 4 direction agreed at the Cabinet meeting on 15 March 2012.  The amendment excludes land within the South Downs National Park.


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