Issue - items at meetings - Day Services Commissioning Plan.
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Day Services Commissioning Plan.
Meeting: 25/06/2012 - Adult Care & Health Committee (Item 8)
8 Day Services Commissioning Plan. PDF 104 KB
Report of the Director of Adult Social Services/Lead Commissioner People (copy attached).
Additional documents:
- Enc. 1 for Day Services Commissioning Plan., item 8 PDF 64 KB View as HTML (8/2) 32 KB
- Enc. 2 for Day Services Commissioning Plan., item 8 PDF 110 KB View as HTML (8/3) 140 KB
- Enc. 3 for Day Services Commissioning Plan., item 8 PDF 76 KB View as HTML (8/4) 62 KB
(1) That it be agreed to commence consultation on the development of a commissioning plan.
(2) That the commissioning plan is brought back to Adult Care and Health Committee in November 2012.
(3) That there be a period of engagement with service users, their families, staff and trade unions concerning the re-provision of day services currently operating 3 days a week at Craven Vale.
8.1 The Committee considered a report of the Director of Adult Social Services/Lead Commissioner People which set out proposals to consult on developing a commissioning plan for day activities for people with learning disabilities, autistic spectrum disorder, older people, people with dementia and people with physical disabilities. The commissioning plan would detail day activities that would be provided in the city for the next five years.
8.2 The paper proposed that consultation commenced to develop a local plan for day services on the draft outcomes set out in paragraph 3.6.1 of the report. The report acknowledged that there were some current operational issues affecting day services that needed to be addressed. There was a reduction in the number of older people attending building based day services. As a result, both Craven Vale and Tower House day centres remained under occupied and were not used to their full potential. Specific proposals regarding Craven Vale and Tower House day centres were set out in paragraphs 2.3 and Appendix 3.
8.3 Councillor Marsh asked for clarification of recommendation 2.3. She asked what was meant by “period of engagement” and what the difference was between engagement and consultation. She referred to paragraph 6.1, bullet point 3 which stated that “the majority of day services cannot be accessed via a personal budget”. She had been told this was not accurate.
8.4 The Head of Commissioning & Partnerships explained that numbers were dropping at Craven Vale. The service was now three days a week. Service users were expecting some of the proposals as there had already been a formal consultation. The engagement would be with service users and families who would be spoken to about the move.
8.5 The Lead Commissioner for Learning Disabilities explained that people were currently not able to access in house services using a personal budget as it is unlawful to spend individualised budgets in directly provided adult services.
8.6 Councillor Mears expressed concern about the reduction of days at Craven Vale and considered that more detail should have been provided on alternative provision. She felt clarity was required with recommendation 2.3.
8.7 The Director of Adult Social Services stressed that the concerns expressed by Councillor Mears related to Ireland Lodge not Craven Vale and that this was a general report about the development of the commissioning plan. The provision at Ireland Lodge was for people with dementia and this would not change. Councillor Mears asked for clarification on this matter in writing.
8.8 Councillor Meadows was pleased to see that there would be consultation on the commissioning plan and that the Federation of Disabled People had been commissioned to identify what services and activities were universally available across the city. Councillor Meadows was concerned about paragraph 3.6.2 which proposed a two tier service. This would result in carers having extra responsibility.
8.9 The Lead Commissioner for Learning Disabilities stated that a comprehensive needs assessment would be carried out when developing the plan. There was a commitment to provide respite for family carers. Current services were not as flexible as people wanted or needed. There needed to be a balance between building based services and people accessing the community. Some families wanted to control a personal budget and some did not. The two tiers was recognition that some people have complex needs and require a specialist service.
8.10 The Head of Commissioning & Partnerships stated that reports were submitted to the Adult Social Care & Health Cabinet Member Meeting in 2010 and 2011 which agreed to reduce the Craven Vale service to three days a week. Meanwhile there was a robust staffing scheme at Tower House.
8.11 Councillor Norman stated that he had been responsible for making the decisions relating to Craven Vale in 2010/11. He stressed that times were changing and that the council needed to provide required services within the limits of a restricted budget. There was a need to ensure that the council did not have empty buildings. He supported the report and the three recommendations. He looked forward to the process being implemented so that service users and their families were satisfied with the outcome.
8.12 Councillor Marsh stressed that Brighton & Hove was not a cheap city. Service users would be able to access the community through their personal budget but not the in house service. She asked for an explanation about the legality of that situation.
8.13 The Lead Commissioner explained that personal budgets were primarily used for direct payments to employ personal assistants. People could use the money to buy equipment or to access services. Meanwhile, resources were calculated to meet people’s need.
8.14 The Chair asked for a briefing on personal budgets for the autumn. Meanwhile he stated that he had made a public commitment that resources would not be reduced for carers.
8.15 RESOLVED – (1) That it be agreed to commence consultation on the development of a commissioning plan.
(2) That the commissioning plan is brought back to Adult Care and Health Committee in November 2012.
(3) That there be a period of engagement with service users, their families, staff and trade unions concerning the re-provision of day services currently operating 3 days a week at Craven Vale.