Issue - items at meetings - Safeguarding Adults at Risk

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Issue - meetings

Safeguarding Adults at Risk

Meeting: 24/09/2012 - Adult Care & Health Committee (Item 22)

22 Safeguarding Adults at Risk pdf icon PDF 63 KB

Report of Director of Adult Social Services/Lead Commissioner People (copy attached).


Additional documents:


(1)       That the Safeguarding work carried out in 2011-12, and the work planned for 2012-13 be noted.


(2)       That the report for be agreed for circulation.



22.1    The Committee considered a report of the Director of Adult Social Services/Lead Commissioner People which presented the Safeguarding Adults Board’s annual report for 2011/12, outlining the work carried out during that time, a progress report of the Board, and agreed actions for 2012/13.  This was a yearly progress report, and was published on the City Council website, and circulated to all member organisations of the Safeguarding Adults Board. 


22.2    The Head of Assessment Services referred to the ePetition from Mr Carter on Personal Alarms to Call the Police for the vulnerable in the power of carers.   The Head of Assessment Services informed the committee that Adult Care & Health had already made a significant investment in Telecare (personal emergency alarm unit) and technology in order to make the best use of technology to protect vulnerable people.   For example, a system called “Just Checking” gave security to people with dementia.  The system monitored the movement of a person in their own home and generated a chart of activity on-line.


22.3    Councillor Meadows noted that there had been a high increase in the number of alerts.  She assumed this was due to people being trained to look for possible alerts.  Councillor Meadows noted that a high number of alerts did not require investigation, which was reassuring.  She noted a number of officers had been trained to a high standard but asked about other organisations.  Councillor Meadows welcomed the report and thanked all the officers involved.    


22.4    The Head of Assessment Services referred to section 4 of the Safeguarding Report which set out the member organisation reports.  Some commented on training and some did not.  This was an area that needed to be developed.  Some information was not completed yet.


22.5    The Director of Adult Social Services explained that alerts raised awareness.  The fact that more alerts were being received was good. 


22.6    Councillor Jones welcomed the report.  An awareness of warning signs in the city had been raised.


22.7    The Chair suggested that some more training might be needed to help staff distinguish between safeguarding alerts and non-safeguarding concerns.  Most of the partners on the Safeguarding Board had committed to carry out safeguarding training but not all had completed the training.   


22.8    The Director informed the Committee that she wanted to thank Michelle Jenkins, Safeguarding Adults Manager, for the work she had carried out in relation to safeguarding in the city.   


22.9    RESOLVED (1)        That the Safeguarding work carried out in 2011-12, and the work planned for 2012-13 be noted.


(2)       That the report for be agreed for circulation.



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