Issue - items at meetings - Appropriation of 243 and 245 Preston Road Brighton to the Housing Revenue Account
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Appropriation of 243 and 245 Preston Road Brighton to the Housing Revenue Account
Meeting: 12/07/2012 - Policy & Resources Committee (pre 2015) (Item 34)
34 Appropriation of 243 and 245 Preston Road Brighton to the Housing Revenue Account PDF 50 KB
Extract from the proceedings of the Housing Committee meeting held on the 20th June 2012, together with a report of the Strategic Director; Place (copies attached).
Additional documents:
- Appropriation of 243 and 245 Preston Road Brighton to the Housing Revenue Account, item 34 PDF 95 KB View as HTML (34/2) 86 KB
- Enc. 1 for Appropriation of 243 and 245 Preston Road Brighton to the Housing Revenue Account, item 34 PDF 112 KB
- Webcast for Appropriation of 243 and 245 Preston Road Brighton to the Housing Revenue Account
(1) That the appropriation of the 19 dwellings comprising 15 flats and four bungalow units and the land at 243 and 245 Preston Road, Brighton to the council’s Housing Revenue Account be agreed; and
(2) That the earlier Cabinet and Council decisions to lease dwellings at these properties to Brighton & Hove Seaside Community Homes as part of the LDV project in September and October 2008 be noted.
34.1 The Strategic Director; Place introduced the report and stated that the properties had been acquired in the 1950’s and recently identified to be transferred to Brighton & Hove Seaside Homes Ltd. However, on review it had been found that they came under the General Fund and therefore it was proposed that they be placed under the Housing Revenue Account (HRA) prior to being transferred.
34.2 Councillor Peltzer Dunn stated that he supported the proposed transfer to the HRA but sought clarification with regard to the land to the rear of the properties and its potential redevelopment prior to it being placed with Brighton & Hove Seaside Homes Ltd.
34.3 The Strategic Director; Place confirmed that there was an intention to redevelop the site to the rear of the properties and stated that he would provide Councillor Peltzer Dunn with further information following the meeting.
34.4 The Chair noted the comments and put the recommendations to the vote.
(1) That the appropriation of the 19 dwellings comprising 15 flats and four bungalow units and the land at 243 and 245 Preston Road, Brighton to the council’s Housing Revenue Account be agreed; and
(2) That the earlier Cabinet and Council decisions to lease dwellings at these properties to Brighton & Hove Seaside Community Homes as part of the LDV project in September and October 2008 be noted.
Meeting: 20/06/2012 - Housing Committee (pre 2015) (Item 9)
9 Appropriation of 243 and 245 Preston Road Brighton to the Housing Revenue Account PDF 95 KB
Report of Strategic Director Place (copy attached).
Additional documents:
(1) That the Housing Committee recommends:
(i) That the Policy and Resources Committee agrees the appropriation of the 19 dwellings comprising 15 flats and four bungalow units and the land at 243 and 245 Preston Road, Brighton to the council’s Housing Revenue Account.
(ii) That the Policy and Resources Committee notes the earlier Cabinet and Council decisions to lease dwellings at these properties to Brighton & Hove Seaside Community Homes as part of the LDV project in September and October 2008
9.1 Councillor Wakefield left the Chamber during consideration of the report and Councillor Powell took over as Chair.
9.2 The Committee considered a report of the Strategic Director Place which requested approval for the Policy and Resources Committee to appropriate the properties and land at 243 and 245 Preston Road from Policy & Resources to the Housing Revenue Account. The properties had been included in the Housing Revenue Account dwellings register but had never been formally transferred.
9.3 Councillor Davey asked for clarification on the number of dwellings at 243 and 245 Preston Road, and was advised there currently 15 units with shared facilities in the two properties and four bungalow units in their grounds. Planned refurbishment works would create 16 self contained units in the two main properties, but the bungalows might now be beyond reasonable repair. It had been modelled for Seaside’s business plan that after refurbishment works the Housing Revenue Account would lease the 16 converted units and two of the bungalow units to Seaside Homes.
9.4 Councillor Peltzer Dunn asked if access would be granted to the properties and was advised that both the properties and the land would be transferred to the Housing Revenue Account and individual units would then be leased to Brighton & Hove Seaside Community Homes. The Housing Revenue Account would retain the land at the rear of the properties, where it may be possible to develop some more council housing. Councillor Peltzer Dunn suggested that none of the bungalow units be leased to Seaside so the whole of the rear gardens could be redeveloped. Mr Hibberd, Head of Housing and Social Inclusion said that the Committee were being asked to recommend that Policy and Resources appropriate the whole site which would not preclude future developments.
9.5 RESOLVED - (1) That the Housing Committee recommends:
(i) That the Policy and Resources Committee agrees the appropriation of the 19 dwellings comprising 15 flats and four bungalow units and the land at 243 and 245 Preston Road, Brighton to the council’s Housing Revenue Account.
(ii) That the Policy and Resources Committee notes the earlier Cabinet and Council decisions to lease dwellings at these properties to Brighton & Hove Seaside Community Homes as part of the LDV project in September and October 2008