Issue - items at meetings - Ultrafast Broadband Bid 2012: Wired for Growth
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Ultrafast Broadband Bid 2012: Wired for Growth
Meeting: 21/06/2012 - Economic Development & Culture Committee (Item 12)
12 Ultrafast Broadband Bid 2012: Wired for Growth PDF 340 KB
Report of the Strategic Director, Place (copy attached)
1) Note the recommendation of the allocation of up to £150,000 by Policy & Resources Committee on 14th June 2012 from unallocated general reserves to support submission of an Ultrafast Broadband Bid to government, costs including expert consultancy and legal costs;
2) Support submission of a bid to the government in accordance with the timetable and criteria when published;
3) Delegate finalisation of the bid to the Strategic Director Place.
12.1 The Committee considered a report of the Strategic Director, Place concerning the Council’s bid for ultrafast broadband.
12.2 RESOLVED - That the Committee
1) Note the recommendation of the allocation of up to £150,000 by Policy & Resources Committee on 14th June 2012 from unallocated general reserves to support submission of an Ultrafast Broadband Bid to government, costs including expert consultancy and legal costs;
2) Support submission of a bid to the government in accordance with the timetable and criteria when published;
3) Delegate finalisation of the bid to the Strategic Director Place.