Issue - items at meetings - Treasury Management Policy Statement (incorporating the Annual Investment Strategy) 2012/13 - Mid year review
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Treasury Management Policy Statement (incorporating the Annual Investment Strategy) 2012/13 - Mid year review
Meeting: 22/01/2013 - Audit & Standards Committee (Item 76)
Additional documents:
- Treasury Management Policy Statement (incorporating the Annual Investment Strategy) 2012/13 - Mid year review, item 76 PDF 110 KB View as HTML (76/2) 152 KB
- Enc. 1 for Treasury Management Policy Statement (incorporating the Annual Investment Strategy) 2012/13 - Mid year review, item 76 PDF 74 KB View as HTML (76/3) 60 KB
- Enc. 2 for Treasury Management Policy Statement (incorporating the Annual Investment Strategy) 2012/13 - Mid year review, item 76 PDF 70 KB View as HTML (76/4) 106 KB
- Enc. 3 for Treasury Management Policy Statement (incorporating the Annual Investment Strategy) 2012/13 - Mid year review, item 76 PDF 145 KB View as HTML (76/5) 153 KB
Meeting: 29/11/2012 - Policy & Resources Committee (pre 2015) (Item 78)
78 Treasury Management Policy Statement (incorporating the Annual Investment Strategy) 2012/13 - Mid year review
Report of the Acting Director of Finance (copy attached).
Additional documents:
- Enc. 1 for Treasury Management Policy Statement (incorporating the Annual Investment Strategy) 2012/13 - Mid year review
- Enc. 2 for Treasury Management Policy Statement (incorporating the Annual Investment Strategy) 2012/13 - Mid year review
- Enc. 3 for Treasury Management Policy Statement (incorporating the Annual Investment Strategy) 2012/13 - Mid year review
- Webcast for Treasury Management Policy Statement (incorporating the Annual Investment Strategy) 2012/13 - Mid year review
(1) That the action taken during the half-year to meet the Treasury management policy statement and associated treasury management practices and the Annual investment strategy be endorsed;
(2) That it be noted that the maximum indicator for risk agreed at 0.05% had not been exceeded; and
(3) That it be noted that the authorised limit and operational boundary set by the Council had not been exceeded.
78.1 The Acting Director of Finance introduced the report which detailed the Treasury Management Policy Statement 2012/13 and the action taken during the period April to September 2012 to meet the policy statement and practices and the Investment Strategy.
78.2 Councillor A. Norman congratulated the officers involved for their work to date and stated that she believed the council had an exceptional team in Treasury Management.
78.3 The Chair thanked the officers and put the recommendations to the vote.
(1) That the action taken during the half-year to meet the Treasury management policy statement and associated treasury management practices and the Annual investment strategy be endorsed;
(2) That it be noted that the maximum indicator for risk agreed at 0.05% had not been exceeded; and
(3) That it be noted that the authorised limit and operational boundary set by the Council had not been exceeded.