Issue - items at meetings - Three Year Strategic Grants 2013-16 Outline Bid Decision Making

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Issue - meetings

Three Year Strategic Grants 2013-16 Outline Bid Decision Making

Meeting: 12/07/2012 - Policy & Resources Committee (pre 2015) (Item 31)

31 Three Year Strategic Grants 2013-16 Outline Bid Decision Making pdf icon PDF 82 KB

Report of the Strategic Director; Communities (copy attached).

Additional documents:


(1)               That the recommended 80 applicants be invited to Full Bid Stage for Three Year Strategic Grants 2013-16; and


(2)               That the recommended alternative support package where appropriate for the 23applicants not invited to Full Bid stage be approved.


31.1         The Strategic Director; Communities introduced the report which sought approval for the process for invitation to Full Bid Stage for applications for Three Year Strategic Grant funding 2013-16 from community groups, voluntary organisations, and not-for-profit social enterprise.


31.2         Councillor Hamilton stated that he wished to congratulate the officers on all their hard work in bringing the bidding process forward and hoped that as many groups as possible could be supported.


31.3         The Chair welcomed the report and thanked the officers and the Members Advisory Group for their work in bringing the report forward.  He also noted that the unsuccessful bidders would be encouraged to look at other avenues of support.  He then put the recommendations to the vote.


31.4         RESOLVED:


(1)         That the recommended 80 applicants be invited to Full Bid Stage for Three Year Strategic Grants 2013-16; and


(2)         That the recommended alternative support package where appropriate for the 23applicants not invited to Full Bid stage be approved.


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