Issue - items at meetings - Local Development Framework -Brighton & Hove Core Strategy: Submission Version
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Local Development Framework -Brighton & Hove Core Strategy: Submission Version
Meeting: 12/11/2009 - Cabinet (pre 2012) (Item 112)
112 Local Development Framework - Brighton & Hove Core Strategy: Submission Version PDF 114 KB
Report of the Director of Environment (copy attached).
Additional documents:
- Item 112 Appendix 1, item 112 PDF 94 KB View as HTML (112/2) 80 KB
- Item 112 Appendix 2, item 112 PDF 185 KB View as HTML (112/3) 204 KB
- Item 112 Appendix 3, item 112 PDF 49 KB View as HTML (112/4) 34 KB
- Item 112 Appendix 4, item 112 PDF 43 KB View as HTML (112/5) 27 KB
- Item 112 Appendix 5, item 112 PDF 47 KB View as HTML (112/6) 57 KB
- Webcast for Local Development Framework - Brighton & Hove Core Strategy: Submission Version
(1) That Cabinet notes the draft extract of the proceedings of the Overview & Scrutiny Commission meeting held on 20 October 2009.
(2) That Cabinet notes the nature of the representations and officer responses made to the Revised Core Strategy Preferred Options (July 2008) document and the Proposed Amendments Paper (June 2009) (to be set out in appendix 2 and in the Statement of Consultation in Members’ Rooms).
(3) That Cabinet endorses the Core Strategy and supporting documents and recommends that Council gives approval for submission to the Secretary of State, preceded by a 6 week publication stage, subject to any minor editorial changes agreed by the Cabinet Member for Environment in consultation with the Director of Environment.
(4) That Cabinet notes that the Core Strategy will be the subject of an Examination in Public in July 2010 followed by the Planning Inspector’s binding report and adoption in January 2011.
112.1 The Cabinet considered a report of the Director of Environment seeking endorsement of the Core Strategy for submission to the Secretary of State, subject to approval by the Full Council (for copy see minute book).
112.2 Councillor Theobald highlighted some of the key subjects tackled by the Core Strategy, including the necessary inclusion of the Urban Fringe as a contingency for longer term housing provision and the preparation of an infrastructure delivery plan identifying environmental, social and physical infrastructure needed in coming years.
112.3 Councillor Mitchell explained that while she looked forward to debating the challenging issues at Full Council, she regretted that there had been no cross-party working group during development of the final document to ensure a collaborative effort. She added that the Labour Group would be putting forward a number of amendments.
112.4 The Chairman commented that she had not been advised of any desire to re-establish a cross-party working group.
112.5 Councillor Randall reported that the Green Group would also be requesting amendments and that some were likely to go forward jointly with the Labour Group.
112.6 Councillor Watkins explained that the Liberal Democrat Group would make their comments at Full Council, but added that they fully supported preservation of the existing green boundary.
112.7 RESOLVED - That, having considered the information and the reasons set out in the report, the Cabinet accepted the following recommendations:
(1) That the draft extract of the proceedings of the Overview & Scrutiny Commission meeting held on 20 October 2009 be noted.
(2) That Cabinet the nature of the representations and officer responses made to the Revised Core Strategy Preferred Options (July 2008) document and the Proposed Amendments Paper (June 2009) be noted.
(3) That the Core Strategy and supporting documents be endorsed and recommended for approval by Council for submission to the Secretary of State, preceded by a 6 week publication stage, subject to any minor editorial changes agreed by the Cabinet Member for Environment in consultation with the Director of Environment.
(4) That it be noted that the Core Strategy will be the subject of an Examination in Public in July 2010 followed by the Planning Inspector’s binding report and adoption in January 2011.