Issue - items at meetings - Extension to Free Early Years Free Entitlement

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Issue - meetings

Extension to Free Early Years Free Entitlement

Meeting: 19/01/2009 - Children & Young People's Trust Board (Item 44)

44 Extension to the Free Early Years Entitlement pdf icon PDF 88 KB

Report of the Director of Children’s Services (copy attached).

Additional documents:


1.       That the targeting of economic deprivation by using a measure of children living in worst 30% Super Output Areas as ranked by the national Index of Income Deprivation Affecting Children be agreed.


2.       That to target early years settings, not individual children, and to pilot the extension in those settings which have the highest proportion of children attending who live in worst 30% areas be agreed.


3.       That the funding of settings who are open for 38 weeks and can show that the additional 2.5 hours will be free be approved.


4.       That a citywide framework of between 2 and 6 hours a day be agreed.



44.1    The Board considered a report of the Director of Children’s Services concerning the Extension to the Free Early Years’ Entitlement.  The report sought the Board’s agreement to the methodology for piloting the extension of the free entitlement to 15 hours for 25% of children from September 2009 and a citywide framework for increasing flexibility (for copy see minute book).


44.2    The Head of Service for City Early Years and Childcare explained that the additional funding was expected from September 2009 to support the one year pilot before the strategy was rolled out citywide.


44.3    In answer to questions, the Head of Service clarified that the information collated in the report was based on January 2008 figures. She indicated that officers would be looking at the latest position again this January, 2009, to identify which settings would be entitled to the pilot funding.


44.3    The Board welcomed the report and were mindful that the initiative was flexible enough to give parents the choice they required.


44.4    RESOLVED – That, having considered the information and the reasons set out in the report, the Board accepted the following recommendations:


(1)      That the targeting of economic deprivation by using a measure of children living in worst 30% Super Output Areas as ranked by the national Index of Income Deprivation Affecting Children be agreed.


(2)      That to target early years settings, not individual children, and to pilot the extension in those settings which have the highest proportion of children attending who live in worst 30% areas be agreed.


(3)      That the funding of settings who are open for 38 weeks and can show that the additional 2.5 hours will be free be approved.


(4)      That a citywide framework of between 2 and 6 hours a day be agreed.



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