Issue - items at meetings - City Plan – Duty to Co-Operate: Request to adjoining Local Planning Authorities to assist in meeting city’s housing requirements.

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City Plan – Duty to Co-Operate: Request to adjoining Local Planning Authorities to assist in meeting city’s housing requirements.

Meeting: 20/09/2012 - Economic Development & Culture Committee (Item 28)

28 City Plan – Duty to Co-Operate: Request to adjoining Local Planning Authorities to assist in meeting city’s housing requirements. pdf icon PDF 80 KB

Report of the Strategic Director Place (copy  attached)

Additional documents:


That The Committee agree to request local planning authorities in the Brighton and Hove strategic housing market area (set out in the appendix to the report) to consider the extent that they are able to assist in meeting the City's unmet housing requirements; and


The Committee notes that the results of this request will be reported to the Policy and Resources Committee/Full Council in November/December at the time the City Plan is considered for submission.


28.1    The Committee considered a report of the Strategic Director, Place detailing the City’s duty to co-operate and the requirement to request local planning authorities to assist in meeting its housing requirements.


28.2    It was noted that the Coalition Government had indicated its intention to revoke Regional Plans and that it had dismantled the mechanisms which had previously existed to facilitate planning at the strategic level. the fact that the City Plan’s housing provision did not match the assessed full level of housing requirement required cooperation with the City’s neighbouring local authorities.


28.3         The Head of Planning and Public Protection stated explained that a duty to co-operate with neighbouring planning authorities under the Localism Act. It was a duty to co-operate not a duty to agree however, planning authorities, would be expected to demonstrate evidence of having worked together to meet development requirements which could not wholly be met within their own areas and to have effectively co-operated to plan issues with cross boundary impacts when their Local Plans were submitted for examination. It was noted that there was a mismatch in respect of housing provision and that this was not unusual.


28.4    Councillor Smith referred to the pragmatic approach being taken in requiring that all new development provided a deliverable proportion of affordable housing or where appropriate an equivalent financial contribution in lieu of onsite provision enquiring regarding the level of uptake of monies being given in lieu. It was explained that this was discussed and considered when negotiations were underway, however issues did arise in the city due to the lack of sites.


28.5    Councillor Mears referred to the assessment made of the requirement for new homes, stating that the viability of schemes was a major factor and enquiring whether the current Green administration supported those figures and a degree of flexibility in assessing viability. Schemes needed to be viable in order for them to be deliverable. The Chair, Councillor Bowden noted the recent removal by the Government of some planning requirements. Whilst the need for flexibility was recognised development schemes needed to be realistic and appropriate.


28.6    Councillor Fitch expressed concerns regarding the need to protect Greenfield sites. More work needed to be done to utilise existing brownfield sites effectively. Councillor MacCafferty referred to sites identified in the existing City Plan and to the encouragement given for development of brownfield sites. More needed to done to provide the levels of housing required, individual authorities were unlikely to be able to deliver this on their own.


28.7    In answer to questions by Councillor Mears the Head of Planning and Public Protection confirmed that further work was currently underway on the existing Plan to reflect changes in planning policy including making requests for contributions in relation to smaller sites.


28.8    RESOLVED – (1) That The Committee agree to request local planning authorities in the Brighton and Hove strategic housing market area (set out in the appendix to the report) to consider the extent that they are able to assist in meeting the City's unmet housing requirements; and


    (2)The Committee notes that the results of this request will be reported to the Policy and Resources Committee/Full Council in November/December at the time the City Plan is considered for submission.


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