Issue - items at meetings - Joint Strategic Needs Assessment Summary 2012
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Joint Strategic Needs Assessment Summary 2012
Meeting: 12/09/2012 - Shadow Health & Wellbeing Board (Item 16)
16 Joint Strategic Needs Assessment Summary 2012 PDF 84 KB
Report of Director of Public Health (copy attached).
Additional documents:
16.1 The Board considered a report of the Head of Public Intelligence and the Consultant in Public Health which updated the Board on the progress of the 2012 Joint Strategic Needs Assessment Summary and which asked the Board to support its publication. The report also presented the results from the consultation on the summary in July 2012. From April 2013, local authorities and clinical commissioning groups would have equal and explicit obligation to prepare a Joint Strategic Needs Assessment and Joint Health & Wellbeing Strategy.
16.2 Members were informed that the response to the consultation was broadly supportive and that the feedback had been useful.
16.3 Robert Brown asked what plans were in place to work through resolving gaps in data, particularly gaps around key equality groups, to include in future JSNAs. He also asked how Patient Participation Groups could be involved in future JSNAs. The Head of Public Health Intelligence replied that these key questions would be taken forward by the City Needs Assessment Steering Group. Officers will be working with the Community & Voluntary Sector on gathering more evidence from them. This year the consultation had been sent out through Practice Managers to go to Patient Participation Groups. This needed to be reviewed in future. Geraldine Hoban added that there had already been some engagement with the Patient Participation Groups through the Clinical Commissioning Group.
16.4 Councillor Shanks referred to wider consultation and asked if there had been any thought about consulting with trade unions and schools. The Consultant in Public Health agreed with this suggestion and stated that a more formal engagement strategy would need to be put in place. The Chair suggested that there would also be a role for the Board to support future engagement.
16.5 Councillor Duncan pointed out that there was a need to consult with the City Engagement Partnership.
16.6 RESOLVED – (1) That the publication of the JSNA Summary 2012 be supported.
(2) That the feedback from the 2012 JSNA consultation be noted.