Issue - items at meetings - Corporate Procurement of Energy - Non Half Hourly Electricity (sub 100kW) Contract Commencing April 2013

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Issue - meetings

Corporate Procurement of Energy - Non Half Hourly Electricity (sub 100kW) Contract Commencing April 2013

Meeting: 11/10/2012 - Policy & Resources Committee (pre 2015) (Item 61)

61 Corporate Procurement of Energy - Non Half Hourly Electricity (sub 100kW) Contract Commencing April 2013 pdf icon PDF 98 KB

Report of the Strategic Director; Place (copy attached).

Additional documents:


(1)               That the Head of Property and Design be authorised to approve the procurement and award of a contract for a maximum period of four years for the Council’s non half hourly (sub 100kW) electricity supply from 100% renewable sources through a  flexible framework agreement offered by a Central Purchasing Body (CPB) following a Request for Information (RFI) evaluation process;


(2)                That the options available for the purchase of electricity on ‘Standard’, ‘100% Renewable’ or ‘Green Certified’ electricity tariffs and approves the continuing minimum requirement for a ‘100% Renewable’ tariff be noted;


(3)               That the Head of Property and Design be authorised to procure a ‘Green Certified’ supply of non half hourly (sub 100kW) electricity only if such a supply is available through the successfully evaluated CPB and at no additional cost to the 100% Renewable tariff; and


(4)               That a waiver of Contract Standing Order 12.6 to enable the contract to be entered into but not as a deed, provided that it is in a form agreed by the Head of Law be approved.


61.1         RESOLVED:


(1)         That the Head of Property and Design be authorised to approve the procurement and award of a contract for a maximum period of four years for the Council’s non half hourly (sub 100kW) electricity supply from 100% renewable sources through a  flexible framework agreement offered by a Central Purchasing Body (CPB) following a Request for Information (RFI) evaluation process;


(2)         That the options available for the purchase of electricity on ‘Standard’, ‘100% Renewable’ or ‘Green Certified’ electricity tariffs and approves the continuing minimum requirement for a ‘100% Renewable’ tariff be noted;


(3)         That the Head of Property and Design be authorised to procure a ‘Green Certified’ supply of non half hourly (sub 100kW) electricity only if such a supply is available through the successfully evaluated CPB and at no additional cost to the 100% Renewable tariff; and


(4)         That a waiver of Contract Standing Order 12.6 to enable the contract to be entered into but not as a deed, provided that it is in a form agreed by the Head of Law be approved.


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