Issue - items at meetings - Update of Review of Provision of Bowling Green Fees

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Issue - meetings

Update of Review of Provision of Bowling Green Fees

Meeting: 20/09/2012 - Economic Development & Culture Committee (Item 24)

24 Update of Review of Provision of Bowling Green Fees pdf icon PDF 659 KB

Report of the Strategic Director, Place (copy attached)


(1) That the Committee notes that consultation with the bowling clubs has been taking place and that when this has been concluded a proposal on the way forward will be brought to Committee at the earliest opportunity.


24.1         Before proceeding to consideration of the Officer’s report in accordance with the resolution made the meeting of the Council held on 19 July 2012, Mr Lionel Bennett was permitted to address the Committee. Mr Bennett stated that in his view a review was long overdue and was welcomed. He stated that difficulties had been created because the two issues of expenditure had been combined, the figures collated also differed from one club to another whereas it would be appropriate for it to be the same for every site. If they were separated then some clubs might be able to progress with a little help. Whilst the survey implied that bowls was played primarily by older people, in fact a number of clubs were encouraging younger people.


24.2    Mr Bennett concluded by stating that there were means of solving the current problems but they required co-operation from both sides. Club rules and constitutions would require changing and their members would need to be consulted. He urged the Committee to adopt a flexible approach.


24.3    The Committee then considered a report of the Strategic Director, Place detailing the background to and rationale for the review of bowling provision in the city which was currently being undertaken.


24.4    The Head of City Infrastructure explained that consultation had commenced with the clubs some months ago and that they had been asked to provide a formal response to the initial response to the proposals by 20 August. The responses received required analysis and it was likely that further discussions would need to take place with the clubs before a full service, financial and equalities impact assessment could be made which could feed into the formulation of final proposals for presentation to the Committee. The initial proposals were set out in Paragraph 3 of the report.


24.5    Councillor Smith stated that as review data was still being analysed and some responses still being chased it was difficult to have a clear idea of the clubs views as to what they wanted. He looked forward to receipt of the further report to the future meeting detailing the responses received. Councillor Fitch concurred stating that it would be important for that report to provide a detailed analysis of the feedback received. `


24.6    Councillor Mears stated that whilst she appreciated that this was an interim report it would be useful if the further report contained detailed financial information. It would be useful if information in relation to buildings costs and green costs could be set out separately, as potentially they represented different issues.


24.7    The Head of City Infrastructure confirmed that these issues had been taken on board, although it was not possible to break down costs individually for every club. The purpose of that days report was to inform members on the point that the consultation had reached and how things had moved forward following the discussions that had taken place at Full Council.


24.8    The Head of City Infrastructure went on to explain that discussions had taken place with the clubs in order to explore options for the future including some of them taking over greater responsibility for bowling facilities including the greens. Given the differing financial positions of the clubs another proposal put forward had been for a reduction in the number of greens at Preston Park. Hove, Kingsway and Hollingbury Park. In addition a number of smaller clubs had been written to asking if there were any smaller clubs which would be prepared to consider sharing a green and pavilion in order to reduce costs. Reponses to the consultation had yet to be received. In consequence the consultation period had been extended.


24.9    Councillor Smith referred to the significant health benefits which resulted particularly from older residents having access to bowls clubs. Councillor Fitch stated that it was important to provide a practical way forward which was also fair to the clubs. There was a need for officers to engage fully with the clubs. The Chair, Councillor Bowden stated that the need for proper engagement was recognised, the consultation period had been extended in order to facilitate that. Woodingdean, the Club with which Mr Bennett was associated was an example of best practice in terms of the way it was run and financed.


24.10  Councillor Mrs Theobald referred to the need for a range of healthy activities to be provided across the city which would appeal to all age groups. Bowling could be accessed by young and older residents alike.


29.11  Councillor Brown stated that in her view it was important that a follow up report be submitted for consideration by the Committee as soon as possible and enquired regarding the timeframe for this. It was explained that this would be done as soon as possible, however that would be dependant on receiving detailed responses from all of the clubs.


29.12  RESOLVED - That the Committee notes that consultation with the bowling clubs has been taking place and that when this has been concluded a proposal on the way forward will be brought to Committee at the earliest opportunity.


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