Issue - items at meetings - Future of the Mobile Library Service

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Issue - meetings

Future of the Mobile Library Service

Meeting: 24/01/2013 - Policy & Resources Committee (pre 2015) (Item 111)

111 Future of the Mobile Library Service pdf icon PDF 92 KB

Joint report of the Director of Finance and the Interim Lead for Culture, Tourism & Leisure (copy attached).

Additional documents:


1.                  That the recommendations of the Economic Development & Culture Committee as set out in paragraphs 3.7 and 3.8 of the report and detailed below be noted;


3.7                   The EDCC on the 15 November 2012 agreed to recommend to Policy and Resources Committee that its preferred Option 3 as set out above, is considered as part of the process for setting the budget for 2013/14 and 2014/15 over the coming months, this to include the purchase of a new replacement vehicle subject to the value for money assessment for both capital and revenue resources.


3.8                   The Committee also wished to place on record that the above is their preferred majority option and that that their preference is that delivery of this service is supported by purchase of a new vehicle and that they wish this to be taken into account when the Policy and Resources Committee consider the matter.


2.                  That in having regard to the value for money assessment as outlined in the financial implications paragraph and the options detailed in paragraph 3.5 of the report, Option 7, to replace the Mobile Library with an expanded Home Delivery service to provide more targeted services for those unable to get to a static library or use the Mobile Library be approved.


111.1          The Director of Finance introduced the report, concerning the future of the mobile library service and the recommendations of the Economic Development & Culture Committee in regard to the future operation of the service.  She noted that the mobile library was due to operate until the end of March 2013 as a result of an amendment to the budget proposals that were approved by the council in 2012.  The Economic Development & Culture Committee had considered a report at its meeting on the 15th November 2012 which outlined a range of options for operating the mobile library, of which two options were favoured, by Members of the Committee and the majority view supported Option 3, to run the Mobile Library service on a reduced timetable for three days a week.


111.2          Councillor Littman stated that he wished to move an amendment to the recommendations so that recommendation 2.2 was replaced by a recommendation to approve Option 7 in the report, which provided for the replacement of the Mobile Library service with an expanded Home Delivery Service as detailed in the report.


111.3          Councillor West formally seconded the proposed amendment.


111.4          Councillor Mitchell stated that she opposed the amendment and supported the majority view of the Economic Development & Culture Committee that Option 3 should be approved and the Mobile Library service be retained on a reduced timetable.


111.5          Councillor West stated that should the Mobile Library be retained, there was a need to replace the actual vehicle at a significant capital cost, and when taken into account with the reduced level of service and the actual number of users of the service, it was not value for money.   The proposed expanded home delivery service in Option 7 would provide a better service for more people and was already working well in Patcham.


111.6          Councillor Peltzer Dunn questioned the need for the Policy & Resources Committee to over-ride the decision of the Economic Development & Culture Committee, which had responsibility for the service.  He stated that the service provided to its users by the mobile library was immeasurable and should be maintained.


111.7          The Chair stated that the decision taken at the previous Budget Council meeting had meant that there was a funding gap for the service which had not been met and the decision to support Option 3 by the Economic Development & Culture Committee meant that it had t be referred to the Policy & Resources Committee because the funding gap remained.  It was for the Policy & Resources Committee to then consider the financial position and determine whether Option 3 could be supported or whether an alternative option provided a better solution.


111.8          Councillor Littman stated that he was a Member of the Economic Development & Culture Committee and had voted for Option 7 on the basis that it offered a better solution and an improved service to what was a historical solution that had become outdated.


111.9          Councillor Mitchell stated that she believed the recommendations of the Economic Development & Culture Committee should be approved and that Option 3 should be taken forward.  She noted that the Administration was seeking to increase council tax by 2% and was asking residents to accept this increase if the council spent the money properly and yet this was a clear example of not spending finances to maintain a service wanted by residents.


111.10      Councillor Hamilton formally seconded the proposal to approve Option 3 as outlined by Councillor Mitchell.


111.11      Councillor Shanks stated that the capital expenditure to provide the service to a small number of people was not cost effective, especially when the need for capital funding for schools was taken into consideration.


111.12      Councillor Hamilton stated that should Option 7 be agreed, it assumed that people has access to a computer in order to access the on-line catalogue and it prevented people from being able to pick up and browse a book before deciding whether or not take it out on loan.


111.13      The Head of Library Service stated that as part of the Home Delivery service, an officer would go to people’s homes and take a laptop so that they could access the on-line catalogue, check availability and reserve books.  She stated that the library management system took account of what books were taken out and therefore was able to be used to offer choices.


111.14      Councillor A. Norman stated that she could not support the amendment moved by Councillor Littman as she felt people preferred to be able to pick up and look at a book before deciding whether or not to take it out and this was not possible through on-line browsing.


111.15      Councillor Peltzer Dunn queried whether the officer time had been taken into consideration in regard to conducting home visits and assisting with on-line browsing and how this compared to funding the part-time mobile service outlined in Option 3.


111.16      The Chair noted the comments and put the amendment proposed by Councillor Littman to the vote which resulted in a tie.  He then used his casting vote in favour of the proposal and the amendment was carried.


111.17      The Chair then put the recommendations moved by Councillor Mitchell to the vote which resulted in a tie and as such was lost.


111.18      The Chair then put the recommendations as amended to vote which resulted in a tie.  He then used his casting vote in favour and the recommendations were carried.


111.19      RESOLVED:


(1)         That the recommendations of the Economic Development & Culture Committee as set out in paragraphs 3.7 and 3.8 of the report and detailed below be noted;


(2)         That in having regard to the value for money assessment as outlined in the financial implications paragraph and the options detailed in paragraph 3.5 of the report, Option 7, to replace the Mobile Library with an expanded Home Delivery service to provide more targeted services for those unable to get to a static library or use the Mobile Library be approved.


Note:      Councillors Hamilton, Mitchell, A. Norman, Peltzer Dunn and G. Theobald wished their names recorded as having voted against the proposed amendment at (111.16) and the resolutions set out at (111.19) above.


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