Issue - items at meetings - Royal Pavilion & Museums Fees and Charges
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Royal Pavilion & Museums Fees and Charges
Meeting: 20/09/2012 - Economic Development & Culture Committee (Item 27)
27 Royal Pavilion & Museums Fees and Charges PDF 165 KB
Report of the Strategic Director, Place (copy attached)
Additional documents:
(1) That the Committee approves the changes to charges for admission and guiding for the period April 2014-March 2015, as set out in Appendix A to the report;
(2) To approve proposed prices for corporate hire and weddings at Royal Pavilion & Museum venues 2013/14, as set out in Appendix C; and.
(3) To note the success of RPM’s on-line image store to date and approve minor changes to charging from September 2012 - March 2014, as set out in Appendix E.
27.1 The Committee considered a report of the Strategic Director, Place setting out the proposed charges for fees and charges for admission charges, guiding, commercial hire and image reproduction to assist with business planning. Prices for 2013/14 had been agreed previously in September 2010. It was noted that an addendum had been circulated setting out updated costings in respect of this service.
27.2 The Head of the Royal Pavilion and Museum explained that due to booking timescales, marketing strategies for the travel trade needed to be planned a year to 18 months in advance to fit in with the industry press offers. It was very important therefore that process were agreed well in advance to maximise coverage in the industry press and to provide correct information at trade fairs to secure bookings. To allow sufficient planning for this key area approval was sought for prices for the period April 2014 to March 2015.
27.3 Councillor Brown stated that that she was pleased to note that resident children were not charged an admission fee, neither were Brighton & Hove schools. She considered that it was important to maintain the right balance in order not to deter potential visitors. She was concerned that the fees and charges for corporate events seemed a little high, although it was noted that it was possible to negotiate individual packages with potential commercial clients.
27.4 Councillor Mrs C Theobald stated that anecdotally she had heard that some potential visitors had not paid to tour the Royal Pavilion having considered the level of charges to be too high. The Head of the Royal Pavilion and Museums stated that whilst this could always be an issue visitor figures had continued to rise significantly. In common with national trends there had been a dip in numbers during July and August, however this had been very small when compared with other attractions elsewhere in the country. Officers would continue to monitor fees charged for price sensitivity, currently they were comparable with those charged at places of interest across the country. A future exhibition planned for the Pavilion would show the Turner watercolour of the Chain Pier as a centre piece in the company of other Turner paintings loaned from other collections.
27.5 Councillor Fitch stated that whilst prepared to support the charges proposed he considered it was very important that fees and charges were kept under constant review to ensure that these continued to be competitive and were not counter productive.
27.6 Councillor Smith stated that he was pleased to note that there was the capacity to negotiate packages with potential commercial hirers and that charities received a 20% reduction.
27.7 The Chair, Councillor Bowden stated that he had confidence in officers professional judgement, stating that the Pavilion was a “jewel in the cities crown”. He welcomed the extension of opportunities for corporate events. Councillor Deane concurred in that view stating that living in the city it was sometimes easy to forget how unique the Pavilion was.
27.8 RESOLVED - (1) That the Committee approves the changes to charges for admission and guiding for the period April 2014-March 2015, as set out in Appendix A to the report;
(2)To approve proposed prices for corporate hire and weddings at Royal Pavilion & Museum (RPM) venues 2013/14, as set out in Appendix C; and.
(3) To note the success of RPM’s on-line image store to date and approve minor changes to charging from September 2012 - March 2014, as set out in Appendix E.