Issue - items at meetings - Update on Implementation of Joint Dementia Plans
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Update on Implementation of Joint Dementia Plans
Meeting: 28/01/2013 - Joint Commissioning Board (Item 26)
26 Update on the Implementation of Joint Dementia Plan PDF 117 KB
Report of the Chief Operating Officer, Brighton & Hove CCG (copy attached).
Additional documents:
(1) That the contents of the report be noted.
26.1 The Board considered a report of the Chief Operating Officer, Clinical Commissioning Group which informed members of the progress of implementing the Joint Dementia Plan.
26.2 Members were reminded that the 2011-12 NHS National Operating Framework set out a requirement for each local area to make improvements and changes to services against the four priority areas identified in the National Dementia Strategy. The 2012/13 NHS National Operating Framework required Health and Social Care commissioners in each area to publish a Joint Dementia Plan setting out local progress in terms of implementation of the National Dementia Strategy. For Brighton & Hove this plan was published in February 2012.
26.3 The Chair commented that there were increasingly more complex arrangements for commissioning. She asked if that was raising issues. The Head of Commissioning and Partnerships replied that commissioning had become more sophisticated in looking at people’s needs. Voluntary Sector Providers would become more involved in this work.
26.4 The Chief Operating Officer stated that there was a better model of care and service users had a more seamless service.
26.5 Councillor Meadows referred to paragraph 4.2 of the report which related to a consultation with younger people with dementia. She asked if there were many young people in the City with dementia. The Head of Commissioning & Partnerships replied that there were a small number of younger people with dementia and complex needs. The Director of Adult Social Services stated that there had been an increase in alcohol related dementia. The Joint Strategic Needs Assessment would show these figures.
26.6 Janice Robinson referred to paragraph 3.6.2 which related to a one year dementia champion post at the Royal Sussex County Hospital. She asked what would happen when the money came to an end. The Chief Operating Officer replied that there were a number of months before the pump priming money ran out. Officers would be able to look at the objective outcomes of people leaving hospital. The CCG would expect the hospital trust to fund the post themselves in future.
26.7 RESOLVED - (1) That the contents of the report be noted.