Issue - items at meetings - Advertising & Sponsorship
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Advertising & Sponsorship
Meeting: 29/11/2012 - Policy & Resources Committee (pre 2015) (Item 86)
86 Advertising & Sponsorship PDF 75 KB
Report of the Interim Lead, Chief Executive Services (to be circulated).
Additional documents:
(1) That the Interim Lead Chief Executive’s Services be granted delegated authority to award the advertising and sponsorship contract for the management of large format advertising sites (Lot 1) in accordance with those parties’ proposals set out in the Part 2 report; and
(2) That the contract should include existing large format advertising sites and a requirement for the Management Company to identify and seek advertising and all other necessary consents for new potential large format advertising sites.
86.1 The Interim Lead for the Chief Executive’s Service introduced the report and stated that approval was being sought for the award of the contract to enable council owned advertising space to be utilised in the city. He noted that it had been a lengthy process but a number of issues had had to be clarified and ten large sites were now identified as being potential sites for advertising. He also noted that the company would be able to explore the possible use of other sites across the city and these would then be taken through the appropriate process, which meant that the council was able to retain greater flexibility.
86.2 Councillor Peltzer Dunn stated that he had some difficulty in understanding why only ten sites had been identified and questioned the financial implications and why the actual site locations had been contained in the part two report rather than the open report. He also asked for clarification in regard to the decision to only include Lot 1 in the contract and whether it would be possible to have other Lots.
86.3 The Interim Lead for the Chief Executive’s Service stated that officers had recommended the inclusion of the ten sites in Lot 1 but the contract did provide for other sites to be brought forward and considered on a case by case basis. It was felt that this provided for the greatest flexibility and enabled the council to retain control over the sites used for advertising purposes.
86.4 Councillor Mitchell stated that she supported the proposals as outlined in the report.
86.5 Councillor G. Theobald stated that he was aware of a site in Patcham which had not been included in the list of ten and queried why it had not been, bearing in mind that it had been previously sponsored and that sponsorship was available for the next year.
86.6 The Chair noted the comments and stated that he was happy for the site locations as detailed in appendix 1 to the part two report to be made publically available and in regard to the Patcham site, he believed that there was a degree of uncertainty over the ownership of the land which had yet to be clarified with the Highways Agency. He then put the recommendations to the vote.
(1) That the Interim Lead Chief Executive’s Services be granted delegated authority to award the advertising and sponsorship contract for the management of large format advertising sites (Lot 1) in accordance with those parties’ proposals set out in the Part 2 report; and
(2) That the contract should include existing large format advertising sites and a requirement for the Management Company to identify and seek advertising and all other necessary consents for new potential large format advertising sites.