Issue - items at meetings - Foster Carers Charter

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Issue - meetings

Foster Carers Charter

Meeting: 17/10/2012 - Corporate Parenting Sub-Committee (Item 16)

16 Foster Carers Charter pdf icon PDF 70 KB

Report of Strategic Director, People (copy attached).

Additional documents:


16.1         The Sub-Committee considered a report of the Strategic Director, People in relation to the Brighton & Hove Foster Carers’ Charter. The Foster Carers’ Charter was a government initiative launched in April 2011 as part of the move to improve outcomes for children and young people in care. The Charter enshrined the role of the foster carer as being of key importance, and provided a means for the City Council to work together with foster carers and to build professional and respectful relationships that would lead to positive outcomes for children.


16.2         In response to a query from Councillor Gilbey it was explained that there was a dedicated phone line for support, and the Council worked with East Sussex County Council to provide out of hours support and carers appreciated this service. It was also explained that the young advisors had contributed to training and recruitment and were keen to see educational training form part of the Charter. Officers went on to note that there was a value for money training programme being undertaken for one year through the virtual school, and it was expected that recruitment and training would form part of the aspirations project operating in East and West Sussex.


16.3         Following queries Councillor Shanks, the Chair, explained that Fostering Panels had membership from current foster carers and those who had been fostered in the past, and Officers added that foster carers had to go through a very prescriptive process with strict legal requirements that dictated the makeup of Panels. It was also noted that Officers exploring more ways in which young people could become involved with in this process.


16.4         Councillor Jarrett suggested that stakeholder engagement activity could be undertaken, and board members could meet and give feedback.


16.5         Councillor Shanks welcomed the report and noted that further work could be undertaken to strengthen some of the language. It was agreed that the Charter would be bought to a future meeting of the Sub-Committee for further comment.


16.6         RESOLVED – That the Committee notes the Charter, and requests that it be bought to a future meeting of the Sub-Committee for further comment.


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