Issue - items at meetings - Dealing with Dangerous Dogs

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Issue - meetings

Dealing with Dangerous Dogs

Meeting: 08/10/2012 - Community Safety Forum (Item 17)

Dealing with Dangerous Dogs

Verbal presentation from Sergeant James Davidson.


17.3         An introduction was given by Sussex Police covering some of the legislative distinctions between dog related offences in public and private places. It was highlighted that where offences took place in public the Police had the power to seize the dog under existing legislative; however, where offences were in private homes the Police had to apply to the Magistrates Court for a warrant. Information was also provided on the process the Police used to deal with confirmed Pitball ownership, and in particular how they sought to work with owners and the Magistrates Court to keep the dogs with their owners wherever necessary.


17.4         Councillor Meadows asked specific questions in relation to advice the Police gave on obedience training, and the seriousness of dog on dog attacks. In response it was explained that the Police gave advice, and – as well signposting people to obedience training – also offered some of their own obedience classes. In relation to dog offences against other dogs the cases were referred to Animal Welfare Officers at the Council who could assess the dogs, and apply for control orders where necessary.


17.5         In response to a query from Councillor Carden about dog walkers it was explained that this was a known problem, but the legislation to allow the Police to properly address these problems was slow to progress.


17.6         Councillor Barnett highlighted problems with suspected Pitballs in her Ward, and it was agreed that these issues could be taken up with Officers outside of the meeting.


17.7         In response to a query from Councillor Bowden it was confirmed that Hospitals would always report incidents of dog attacks on children that were admitted to A&E departments.


17.8         Councillor Simson expressed her concern that Pitbulls were being bred for ownership, and in response it was explained that in recent years a breeder had been jailed, but also many owners were not aware of the breed of the dog as it was difficult to identify until they were 12 months old.


17.9         Following a request from the Forum it was agreed that a note would be circulated highlighting where dogs had to be kept on a lead.


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