Issue - items at meetings - Crime Trends and Performance Figures

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Issue - meetings

Crime Trends and Performance Figures

Meeting: 08/10/2012 - Community Safety Forum (Item 19)

19 Crime Trends and Performance Figures pdf icon PDF 159 KB

Report of the Commissioner: Community Safety (copy attached).


19.1         The forum considered a report of the Commissioner for Community Safety describing recent activities and progress relating to priority areas in the Brighton & Hove Community Safety, Crime Reduction and Drugs Strategy 2011-14; statistical updates relating the first five months of 2012/13 – April to August 2012 were also highlighted. Graphs showing monthly crime data from April 2008 to August 2012 were provided which set recent data in the context of both longer term trends and seasonal crime cycles.


19.2         Councillor Simson asked for clarification in relation to the domestic violence statistics, and it was explained that 45% of ‘solved’ crimes related to incidents where the Police had enough evidence to charge. Following further questions from Councillor Gilbey it was agreed that confirmation would be provided in relation to the statistics to eliminate any confusion. Some explanation was also provided that victims were sometimes afraid to speak to the Police to actually give evidence; work was also undertaken to discuss safety issues with victims, and more cases were put to court, but some of these would drop out further down the line.


19.3         Councillor Bowden noted his disappointment that LGBT hate crime had increased, and hoped that there could be a greater role played by the local media in de-escalating the fear. Councillor Mac Cafferty welcomed the positive work being undertaken and encouraged the Forum to attend the hate crime vigil on 20 October which would start at Old Steine.


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