Issue - items at meetings - Presentation on Youth Justice Plan

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Issue - meetings

Presentation on Youth Justice Plan

Meeting: 08/10/2012 - Community Safety Forum (Item 18)

18 Presentation on Youth Justice Plan pdf icon PDF 56 KB

Report of the Commissioner: Community Safety (copy attached).

Additional documents:


18.1         An introduction was given by the Operational Social Work Service Manager, Andy Whippey updating the Forum on the Youth Justice Plan, and inviting the Forum to feed into the development of 2013/14 Plan.


18.2         Councillor Meadows asked about potential flexibility in the Plan, and in response it was explained that there were partnership arrangements in place between the Council and other responsibility authorities. A key aspect was that the Plan be responsive to changing circumstances, and it was better to prevent young offenders from entering into the service, and help reduce the level of repeat offence. In response to further comments it was noted that prevention was core to the service, and a multi-agency approach was important.


18.3         Following comments from Councillor Simson it was agreed that working with children from age 11 was seen as a vital point to help prevent repeat offences; it was considered Police resolution work within the community was instrumental at this age in highlighting the seriousness of offences.


18.4         RESOLVED – That the Forum notes the information.


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