Issue - items at meetings - Learning Disabilities Services
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Learning Disabilities Services
Meeting: 22/10/2012 - Joint Commissioning Board (Item 14)
14 Learning Disabilities Accommodation PDF 133 KB
Report of Director of Adult Social Services/Lead Commissioner People (copy attached).
Additional documents:
- Enc. 1 for Learning Disabilities Services, item 14 PDF 74 KB View as HTML (14/2) 40 KB
- Enc. 2 for Learning Disabilities Services, item 14 PDF 50 KB
(1) That the decision made by Adult Care and Health Committee to re-model the council’s accommodation for people with learning disabilities as set out in Option 1 (paragraph 3.1), be noted.
14.1 The Board considered a report of the Director of Adult Social Services/Lead Commissioner People which informed members that a report had been presented to the Adult Care & Health Committee in June following a three month consultation which recommended the re-modelling of the council’s accommodation for people with learning disabilities. The Committee decided to defer a decision pending consultation with the service users and additional information being provided. A further report was submitted to the Adult Care & Health Committee on 24 September where option 1 was agreed. Option 1 was set out in paragraph 3.1 of the report.
14.2 The Head of Adult Care & Health (Provider) informed the Board that the summary of the consultation prior to and after June 2012 was attached as appendix 1 to the report. The outcome of the consultation was attached as appendix 2. Option 1 had been recommended as it delivered a more efficient service and delivered savings whilst providing homes for an additional 5 people. Alternative options were set out in the report in paragraph 3.2.
14.3 Colin Vincent referred to the consultation and expressed concern and disappointment that the LINk were not directly consulted on the proposals. They had heard about the proposals from an outside source. The LINk were eventually contacted on 30 August and replied in September 2012.
14.4 The Head of Adult Care & Health (Provider) apologised if the LINk had not been consulted and stressed that this was an oversight. As soon as the LINk contacted the council, full details had been sent to the LINK. There would be a full review of the way the council consulted stakeholders and the Head of Adult Care & Health undertook that the LINk would be consulted in future.
14.5 Janice Robinson stated that she considered the arguments for the decision were well made in the report. She was interested to hear that there would not be compulsory redundancies. She asked how the staff in the new set up would be deployed differently and whether they were currently underworked. Ms Robinson noted that several of the women residents and one in particular, were concerned that they might have male carers. Ms Robinson asked for assurance that the requirements of those women would be met.
14.6 The Head of Adult Care & Health (Provider) replied that with regard to staff, the council were working on plans to move service users to their new accommodation. The council did not need to make redundancies as there were staff vacancies and posts had been frozen. The council had an in-house agency called Care Crew which covered vacancies with flexible workers.
14.7 The Head of Adult Care & Health (Provider) explained that there were very few women in the service. There was a proposal to move three young women to a new home where they would be joined by a fourth young woman. Staff would consider very carefully whether to use any male carers. The council would maintain a women’s service and would ensure that their needs were met.
14.8 RESOLVED - (1) That the decision made by Adult Care and Health Committee to re-model the council’s accommodation for people with learning disabilities as set out in Option 1 (paragraph 3.1), be noted.