Issue - items at meetings - Short Term Service Review - Evaluation Update
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Short Term Service Review - Evaluation Update
Meeting: 28/01/2013 - Joint Commissioning Board (Item 24)
24 Short Term Services Review - Implementation Update PDF 116 KB
Report of the Chief Operating Officer, Brighton & Hove CCG (copy attached).
(1) That the general update on the Community Short Term Service be noted.
24.1 The Board considered a report of the Chief Operating Officer, Brighton and Hove Clinical Commissioning Group which reminded members that in November 2011 the Board endorsed the new service model for community short term services. The current report provided an update. The Commissioning Manager for Urgent Care & Short Term Services explained progress in relation to bed based community short term services, Knoll House, the integration of the rapid response services, ongoing clinical governance and quality assurance for community short term service, arrangements for home care, update from the Provider Management Board, and next steps for Short Term Services.
24.2 The Director of Adult Social Services reported that she was pleased to hear there would be an audit in relation to Knoll House. Knoll House had been through a difficult time and issues would take time to resolve.
24.3 Councillor Meadows asked if having Knoll House back on stream had lowered targets for the need for short term beds. The Chief Operating Officer explained that figures for delayed transfer of care were low. The closure of beds at Knoll House had not impacted transfer of care.
24.4 Janice Robinson referred to paragraph 3.4 with regard to quality assurance arrangements. She asked what quality assurance arrangements would be put in place, and whether there was any information on the experience & safety of people using the service.
24.5 The Commissioning Manager for Urgent Care & Short Term Services reported that Sussex Community Trust collected information. Outcome measures could be reviewed. She hoped that the Quality Review Nurse could provide more information on the social care aspect. The Director of Adult Social Services confirmed that measures were in place to obtain data on quality assurance.
24.6 Colin Vincent stated that there had been a helpful presentation last year on integrated service. He asked when the NHS 111 service would be rolled out nationally. The Commissioning Manager for Urgent Care & Short Term Services reported that the service would be rolled out nationally on 5th March 2013. There would be a communication campaign to publicise the service. The Chief Operating Officer undertook to send a helpful briefing sheet on the NHS 111 Service to Mr Vincent.
24.7 RESOLVED - (1) That the general update on the Community Short Term Service be noted.