Issue - items at meetings - Submission City Plan, Part 1
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Submission City Plan, Part 1
Meeting: 31/01/2013 - Council (Item 80)
80 Submission City Plan, Part 1 PDF 107 KB
Additional documents:
- Appx. 1 Summary of Reps to draft City Plan, item 80 PDF 212 KB View as HTML (80/2) 584 KB
- Appx 2 Summary of Changes to theCity Plan, Part 1, item 80 PDF 206 KB View as HTML (80/3) 285 KB
- Appx. 3 Tests of Soundness, item 80 PDF 37 KB View as HTML (80/4) 22 KB
- Appx. 4 City Plan Supporting Documents, item 80 PDF 47 KB View as HTML (80/5) 26 KB
- Appx. 5 Summary of Background Studies, item 80 PDF 76 KB View as HTML (80/6) 57 KB
- Appendix 6 How the City Plan Helps Deliver OPL principles, item 80 PDF 82 KB View as HTML (80/7) 109 KB
- Combined Doc of Final Sound Amendments Con & Lab 30.01.13, item 80 PDF 89 KB View as HTML (80/8) 128 KB
- Item 80 City Plan Extract for Council 31.01.13, item 80 PDF 72 KB View as HTML (80/9) 72 KB
- Conservative Group - UNSOUND Final Amendments 290113, item 80 PDF 66 KB View as HTML (80/10) 54 KB
- Item 80 City Plan Procedural Note Council 31 01 12, item 80 PDF 111 KB View as HTML (80/11) 84 KB
- Webcast for Submission City Plan, Part 1
Meeting: 24/01/2013 - Policy & Resources Committee (pre 2015) (Item 113)
113 Submission City Plan, Part 1 PDF 107 KB
Report of the Strategic Director; Place (copy attached).
Additional documents:
- Appx. 1 Summary of Reps to draft City Plan, item 113 PDF 212 KB View as HTML (113/2) 584 KB
- Appx 2 Summary of Changes to theCity Plan, Part 1, item 113 PDF 206 KB View as HTML (113/3) 284 KB
- Appx. 3 Tests of Soundness, item 113 PDF 37 KB View as HTML (113/4) 22 KB
- Appx. 4 City Plan Supporting Documents, item 113 PDF 47 KB View as HTML (113/5) 26 KB
- Appx. 5 Summary of Background Studies, item 113 PDF 76 KB View as HTML (113/6) 56 KB
- Appendix 6 How the City Plan Helps Deliver OPL principles, item 113 PDF 82 KB View as HTML (113/7) 108 KB
- Webcast for Submission City Plan, Part 1
1. That the summary of the responses to the consultation on the draft City Plan Part 1 be noted (summarised in Appendix 1 to the report with a full schedule attached to the Statement of Consultation on city council’s website, placed in the Members’ Rooms and in Customer Service Centres);
2. That the Proposed Submission City Plan Part 1 be agreed and published for statutory public consultation for a six week period commencing in February 2013, (Along with appendices and supporting documents);
3. That the document should be subsequently submitted to the Secretary of State subject to no material changes, other than alterations for the purposes of clarification, improved accuracy of meaning or typographical corrections, being necessary;
4. That the Head of Planning and Public Protection be authorised to agree any draft “main modifications” to the City Plan Part 1 necessary to make it sound and to authorise the publication of such draft modifications for public consultation save that should any draft modification involve a major shift in the policy approach of the City Plan Part 1 the draft modification shall be referred by the Head of Planning and Public Protection to the Policy and Resources Committee for approval;
5. That it be noted that all modifications to the Plan will be presented to the Policy & Resources Committee and Full Council in due course as part of the adoption of the City Plan Part 1; and
6. That the following studies be approved as supporting evidence for the City Plan and further Local Development Documents:
· The Employment Land Study Review 2012
· Draft Transport Assessment 2012
· The Brighton and Hove Energy Study 2012
· Local Housing Requirements update 2012
· Strategic Housing land Availability assessment (SHLAA) Update 2012
· Housing Needs Assessment 2012
· Site capacity assessments 2012
113.1 The Strategic Director introduced the report which sought approval of the publication of the Submission City Plan, Part 1, part of Brighton & Hove’s Local Development Framework, along with its supporting papers for a six week period of public consultation during February, March and April 2013, prior to submission to the secretary of State. He stated that plan had been three years in the making and hoped that it could be fully supported.
113.2 The Head of Planning & Public Protection stated that he was aware of the national debate around planning and suggested that it was an opportune time to be bringing forward the city plan. He wished to thank all those Members and residents who had participated in the development process for the plan’s submission to the council and noted that there had been an effective consultation process which had enabled people to comment on areas of the plan. He believed that the methodology behind the plan was robust and supported the various targets that were detailed, including those where they did not reach government stated figures e.g. on housing. He hoped that the Plan would be agreed and subsequently approved by the Secretary of State in April to enable its publication in September and final adoption in 2014.
113.3 The Chair stated that he wished to thank everyone concerned with the development of the Plan and the report that was before the committee. He welcomed the community engagement process and believed it set out a long-term vision which was very challenging.
113.4 Councillor Mitchell congratulated the officers on all their hard work and stated that she felt it was an exceptional piece of work. She noted that CP8, sustainable Buildings policy was finely balanced and hoped that the conditions set out would not mitigate against new and affordable homes.
113.5 The Head of Planning & Public Protection stated that he believed the policy was framed to enable a viability test but he was aware that it was an area that would need to be kept under close review.
113.6 Councillor G. Theobald stated that he preferred to reserve judgement on the matter until the council meeting.
113.7 Councillor West stated that the sustainability factors would need to be monitored and taken into account in regard to the life-time cost of new buildings and improved energy costs and contributions to the sustainable footprint of the city. He believed it was an important plan for the future and provided for a flexible approach.
113.8 The Chair stated that there was a need to reduce energy costs and these needed to be taken in conjunction with the issue of social justice, i.e. the buildings should be affordable to run. He then put the recommendations to the vote.
(1) That the summary of the responses to the consultation on the draft City Plan Part 1, (summarised in Appendix 1 to the report with a full schedule attached to the Statement of Consultation on city council’s website, placed in the Members’ Rooms and in Customer Service Centres) be noted;
(2) That the Proposed Submission City Plan Part 1 be agreed andpublished for statutory public consultation for a six week period commencing in February 2013, (Along with appendices and supporting documents);
(3) That the document should be subsequently submitted to the Secretary of State subject to nomaterial changes, other than alterations for the purposes of clarification,improved accuracy of meaning or typographical corrections, being necessary;
(4) That the Head of Planning and Public Protection be authorised to agree any draft “main modifications” to the City Plan Part 1 necessary to make it sound and to authorise the publication of such draft modifications for public consultation save that should any draft modification involve a major shift in the policy approach of the City Plan Part 1 the draft modification shall be referred by the Head of Planning and Public Protection to the Policy & Resources Committee for approval;
(5) That it be noted that all modifications to the Plan will be presented to the Policy & Resources Committee and Full Council in due course as part of the adoption of the City Plan Part 1; and
(6) That the following studies as supporting evidence for the City Plan and further Local Development Documents be approved:
1. The Employment Land Study Review 2012
2. Draft Transport Assessment 2012
3. The Brighton and Hove Energy Study 2012
4. Local Housing Requirements update 2012
5. Strategic Housing land Availability assessment (SHLAA) Update 2012
6. Housing Needs Assessment 2012
7. Site capacity assessments 2012.