Issue - items at meetings - Permit scheme business case for Brighton and Hove

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Issue - meetings

Permit scheme business case for Brighton and Hove

Meeting: 27/11/2012 - Transport Committee (Item 38)

38 Permit scheme business case for Brighton and Hove pdf icon PDF 304 KB

Report of the Strategic Director, Place (copy attached).


Additional documents:


That the Transport Committee:


1.                  Recommends the principle of introducing a Permit Scheme in Brighton & Hove to Policy and Resources Committee and asks Policy and Resources Committee to approve the funding for the creation of a Permit Scheme;


2.                  Subject to receiving funding approval as identified at 2.1 above, instructs officers to commission consultants and to engage in consultation with the relevant parties to draw up options for a Permit Scheme for Brighton & Hove and to update the traffic sensitive road network with the intention of going live in 2014/2015;


3.                  Notes that the Transport Committee will be asked to approve the final permit scheme before it is submitted to the Department for Transport and that this is expected to be in December 2013



38.1               The Committee considered a report of the Strategic Director, Place that outlined a business case for introducing a Permit Scheme in Brighton and Hove.


38.2               Councillor Davey stated his delight at the proposals which could make a huge difference.


38.3               Councillor Mitchell welcomed the proposals and hoped they could be implemented swiftly.


38.4               Councillor Theobald stated his was pleased that the Committee could consider these proposals which his group had raised in a Notice of Motion some time ago.


38.5               RESOLVED- That the Transport Committee:


1)           Recommends the principle of introducing a Permit Scheme in Brighton & Hove to Policy and Resources Committee and asks Policy and Resources Committee to approve the funding for the creation of a Permit Scheme;


2)           Subject to receiving funding approval as identified at 2.1 above, instructs officers to commission consultants and to engage in consultation with the relevant parties to draw up options for a Permit Scheme for Brighton & Hove and to update the traffic sensitive road network with the intention of going live in 2014/2015;


3)           Notes that the Transport Committee will be asked to approve the final permit scheme before it is submitted to the Department for Transport and that this is expected to be in December 2013



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