Issue - items at meetings - Royal Pavilion and Museums - Future Plan

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Issue - meetings

Royal Pavilion and Museums - Future Plan

Meeting: 15/11/2012 - Economic Development & Culture Committee (Item 38)

38 Royal Pavilion and Museums - Future Plan pdf icon PDF 133 KB

Report of the Interim Lead, Cultural Services (copy attached)

Additional documents:



2.1       To note the intention of RPM to work with Brighton Dome Festival Ltd (BDFL) on a feasibility study to inform the development of a master plan for the Royal Pavilion Estate.

2.2       To note the feasibility study in relation to the Court House and the development work on the natural history and archaeology collections

2.3       Agree the refocusing of Preston Manor and the trial change to Saturday openings to enable weddings to be trialled at the Manor and request officers to bring a report back to Committee in autumn 2013.

.2.4     To note the joint working with Brighton Dome Festival Ltd necessitates a formal partnership agreement and delegate authority to the Head of Serviceto develop and complete the proposed Partnership Agreement with Brighton and Dome Festival Limited (BDFL) based on the principles as set out in this report.

2.5       Note the role of the Royal Pavilion and Museums’ Foundation in supporting the business model.

2.6       To note the forward plan for programming and work for 2012-15.

2.7       To request that officers bring regular updates on the development work outlined in the report to this Committee.



38.1          The Committee considered a report of the Interim Lead, Cultural Services Setting out the strategic direction for the development of the Royal Pavilion and Museums (RPM) in the light of current economic, environmental and social challenges and the selection of RPM as a partner in Arts Council England’s Major Grant Programme for museums (Renaissance).


38.2          It was these that drove the imperative to develop sustainable future plans for the RPM which would maintain and develop the city’s unique and invaluable portfolio of historic buildings and nationally significant collections. Through the future development outlined in the report the council’s RPM would continue to play a significant role in the city, and its assets would be maximised for social and public benefit.


37.3          The Head of the Royal Pavilion and Museums gave a presentation detailing the background and chronology of key events and highlighting the potential for future development which had been identified in respect of each of the RPM sites.


38.4          Councillor Brown welcomed the report, supported the strategies that were being proposed to meet current challenges and to carry the service forward into the future, especially the innovative approach which was being adopted in respect of Preston Manor. The Head of the Royal Pavilion and Museums and her team were to be congratulated on their collaborative hard work and the degree.


38.5          Councillor C Theobald expressed her support for the recommendations and the way different proposals were suggested for different buildings. The Royal Pavilion was itself a marvellous building.


38.6          Councillor Littman welcomed the proposals which sought to enhance the city’s historic buildings and brought together the two halves of the Committees’ business, its economic development and it’s cultural and historic offer.


38.7          Councillor Fitch referred to plans for the Royal Pavilion which was the “jewel in the city’s crown.”


38.8          Councillor Morgan welcomed this masterplan for the whole of the RPM estate.


38.9          RESOLVED – (1) That the intention of RPM to work with Brighton Dome Festival Ltd (BDFL) on a feasibility study to inform the development of a master plan for the Royal Pavilion Estate be noted;


                          (2) That the feasibility study in relation to the Court House and the development work on the natural history and archaeology collections be noted;


                          (3) That the Committee agrees to the refocusing of Preston Manor and the trial change to Saturday openings to enable weddings to be trialled at the Manor and requests that officers to bring a report back to Committee in autumn 2013;


                          (4) That the joint working arrangements  with Brighton Dome Festival Ltd be noted as this necessitates a formal partnership agreement approval is given to give delegated authority to the Head of Serviceto develop and complete the proposed Partnership Agreement with Brighton and Dome Festival Limited (BDFL) based on the principles as set out in this report;


                          (5) The role of the Royal Pavilion and Museums’ Foundation in supporting the business model be noted;


                          (6) The forward plan for programming and work for 2012-15 be noted; and


                          (7) That officers are requested to bring regular updates on the development work outlined in the report to this Committee.


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