Issue - items at meetings - Events in Parks and Open Spaces

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Issue - meetings

Events in Parks and Open Spaces

Meeting: 15/11/2012 - Economic Development & Culture Committee (Item 39)

39 Events in Parks and Open Spaces pdf icon PDF 130 KB

Report of the Interim Lead, Cultural Services (copy attached)


2.1       That the Committee note the review of highlights of events for 2012 and the attached appendix summarising all the events of 2012.


2.3       That the Committee authorises officers to enter into planning and negotiation with the organisers of Pride for 2013 to develop the event plan for Madeira Drive.



39.1    The Committee considered a report of the Interim Lead, Cultural Services providing feedback on significant events which had taken place during 2012. The Commissioner for Culture explained that events had moved forward since the report had been published. The Committee was no longer being requested to authorise officers to enter into formal discussions with the organisers of Pride to use Madeira Drive as notification had been received from the organisers that they no longer wished to pursue that option. Officers would however continue to work with the organisers.


39.2    The Chair referred to the excellent work carried out by the small dedicated team who were instrumental in facilitating the wide range of successful events mounted across the city, especially during this Jubilee/Olympic year. Those comments were echoed by Councillors Brown and Fitch.


39.3    RESOLVED - That the Committee note the review of highlights of events for 2012 and the attached appendix summarising all the events of 2012.


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