Issue - items at meetings - Black Rock, Temporary Use

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Issue - meetings

Black Rock, Temporary Use

Meeting: 15/11/2012 - Economic Development & Culture Committee (Item 42)

42 Black Rock, Temporary Use pdf icon PDF 78 KB

Report of the Strategic Director, Place (copy attached)

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2.1       The Seafront Strategy is currently a draft and therefore a consultation exercise will be undertaken to inform a final Strategy.That the Economic Development & Culture Committee agree to grant Landlord’s consent for the temporary 3 year letting to Brighton Sand Sculpture Festival.


2.2       That the Economic Development & Culture Committee agree for final Lease arrangements to be determined, subject to Planning consent, in accordance with the Scheme of  Delegation to the Head of Property and Design, with the Seafront Estates Surveyor acting in consultation with the Seafront Development Manager and the Head of Legal Services.



42.1    The Committee considered a report of Interim Lead Cultural Services seeking approval to the temporary use of the site by the Committee taking into account the recommendations of the Project Board. Also to the granting of Landlord’s consent, subject to final Lease arrangements being determined, subject to Planning consent, in accordance with the Scheme of Delegation to the Head of Property and Design, with the Seafront Estates Surveyor acting in consultation with the Seafront Development Manager and the Head of Legal Services.


42.2    The Head of Tourism and Leisure explained that in July of that year the Policy and Resources Committee had agreed the recommendation of the Black Rock Project Board to reject revised proposals submitted by Brighton Arena Limited relating to the Black Rock site. It had been agreed at that time that the site should be subject to a fresh procurement and re-marketing exercise and that the future strategy for re-marketing of the site should be worked up in conjunction with the cross party Project Board, including future possible uses on the site (including an ice rink) being feasibility tested and subject to soft market testing, prior to the council returning it to the market.


42.3    The Head of Tourism went on to explain the process that officers had undertaken to market the site for a temporary use and to the selection process which had resulted in the preferred operator being chosen. He stated that the Project Board had not been unanimous in its decision, however on balance a majority of its members had agreed the recommendations being put to the Committee for approval.


42.4    Councillor Morgan stated that he was a Member of the Project Board and explained that he would be abstaining from voting on this item in order to be consistent with the approach that he had taken at the Board meeting. Although he had no objections to the Sand Sculpture Festival use, he was concerned that if permission was given for that use it would preclude use of the remainder of the site for any other purpose for a three year period. He considered that year round use was preferable and for that reason he had supported the concept of a Drive – Thru Cinema.


42.5    Councillor Smith stated that he supported the proposed use as a previous sand sculpture exhibition, at the site previously which had been well received and which had attracted increased numbers of visitors to that part of the seafront. It and had also resulted in increased use of the Volks Railway. He was pleased to note that the option of future provision of an ice rink had been kept open.


42.6    Councillor Brown also expressed her support for this use stating that she hoped it would result in increased use of the Volks Railway as previously.


42.7    Councillor C Theobald noted that it was intended that the sand sculpture exhibition was intended to operate for broadly the same period as that during which the Volks Railway was in operation. Councillor Theobald also enquired regarding longer term plans both for construction of a temporary coach park and to enhance and improve the Volks Railway.


42.8    The Strategic Director Place responded that a number of options were being actively pursued including possible grant funding for the Volks Railway itself. It was intended to extend the period of operation of the Volks Railway further into the winter months, especially at weekends and for this to coincide as far possible with the period during which the sand sculpture exhibition ran.


42.9    RESOLVED – (1) That Committee agrees to grant Landlord’s consent for the temporary 3 year letting to Brighton Sand Sculpture Festival; and


42.10  (2) That the Economic Development & Culture Committee agree for final Lease arrangements to be determined, subject to Planning consent, in accordance with the Scheme of  Delegation to the Head of Property and Design, with the Seafront Estates Surveyor acting in consultation with the Seafront Development Manager and the Head of Legal Services.


            Note: Councillor Morgan abstained from voting in respect of the above item.


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