Issue - items at meetings - The New SEN Partnership Strategy 2012 - 2017

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Issue - meetings

The New SEN Partnership Strategy 2012 - 2017

Meeting: 12/11/2012 - Children & Young People Committee (Item 34)

34 The New SEN Partnership Strategy 2012 - 2017 pdf icon PDF 74 KB

Report of the Interim Director of Children’s Services (copy attached)

Additional documents:


            RESOLVED - That the Committee agrees to the publication of the final draft of the new  SEN Strategy 2012-17


34.1    The Committee considered a report of the Interim Director of Children’s Services setting out (as an appendix to the report), Brighton and Hove’s new Special Educational Needs (SEN) Partnership Strategy (draft) for 2012/17.


34.2    It was noted that the SEN Partnership Board had led and overseen the development of the strategy. Following completion of the consultation and launch, detailed action plans would be written in order to implement the strategy and to monitor progress. The new strategy had been developed in the context of a changing national landscape with regard to SEN. The government had published draft proposals for new legislation to be introduced in the spring of 2014 which would have a significant impact on all areas of work.


34.3    Councillor Lepper welcomed the report, looked forward to the final report and was pleased to note that measures were to be put into place to ensure that the new SEN strategy would link closely to the proposed changes and that the LEA would engage with stakeholders to ensure that the available funding supported the objectives of the SEN strategy.


34.4         Councillor Brown noted the improvements that had been achieved locally and hoped that the collaborative work that had taken place to date including involvement of head teachers could continue to be built upon. The Commissioner Lead Commissioner, Schools, skills and Learning stated that a lot of work had taken place to close gaps in SEN provision. A joined up strategy was in place as a result of collaborative work with other partners including Amaze and on going support would be available to head teachers.


34.5         Bethan Prosser, Mosaic referred to the work that had been undertaken and the role of the SEN Partnership Board in overseeing the strategy.


34.6         Councillor Wealls welcomed the measures which were being put into place to effectively manage available funding, noting the successes that had been effected to date to narrow the gap in attainment between pupils with and without SEN.


34.7    Councillor Gilbey referred to the length of time that was taken to collate SEN information and it was explained that requirements were placed upon schools in respect of how they collected information. This process could be lengthy as it could involve medical appointments and input from other professionals. In answer to further questions it was explained that the processes for academies were exactly the same as those for other schools.


34.8    RESOLVED - That the Committee agrees to the publication of the final draft of the new  SEN Strategy 2012-17


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