Issue - items at meetings - Refurbishment of London Road and Lanes Car Parks

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Issue - meetings

Refurbishment of London Road and Lanes Car Parks

Meeting: 18/09/2008 - Cabinet (pre 2012) (Item 68)

Refurbishment of London Road and Lanes Car Parks

Report of the Director of Environment (copy attached)


Additional documents:


1          That the allocation of a further £1.01m additional funding for high quality improvements at The Lanes Car Park and minor improvements at London Road Car Park be approved.


2          That the release of £0.300 million from the Car Parks Maintenance Reserve as a contribution towards the capital costs be approved.


3          That the appointment of a works contractor by the Director of Environment be approved.



68.1    The Cabinet considered a report of the Director of Environment that sought funding and authority to appoint a works contractor to carry out these improvements to the Lanes and London Road car parks (for copy see minute book).


68.2    Councillor Mitchell supported the proposals but noted that the initial costs had almost doubled.


68.3    Councillor Theobald noted the extensive nature of the refurbishments and the increasing costs of raw materials.


68.4    RESOLVED


(1)       That the allocation of a further £1.01m additional funding for high quality improvements at The Lanes Car Park and minor improvements at London Road Car Park be approved.


(2)       That the release of £0.300 million from the Car Parks Maintenance Reserve as a contribution towards the capital costs be approved.


(3)       That the appointment of a works contractor by the Director of Environment be approved.


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