Issue - items at meetings - Public Health Approach to Parenting

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Issue - meetings

Public Health Approach to Parenting

Meeting: 14/01/2013 - Children & Young People Committee (Item 46)

46 Public Health Approach to Parenting pdf icon PDF 219 KB

Joint report of the Director of Public Health and the Interim Director of Children’s Services (copy attached)


            RESOLVED – (1) That the Committee approve a joint public health and children’s services approach to the promotion of positive parenting. This will consist of:


·        engagement with key partners and stakeholders;

·        a “Big Debate” that will help the local authority and partner agencies to ascertain the public’s views  on impact of parenting in the community and support needed for parents;

·        a media parenting information campaign that will aim to get key messages and information about services to parents and professionals; and


(2) The Committee approve the development of an implementation strategy for a whole population public health approach to parenting, informed by the consultation process above. This would mean aiming to reach 60% of parents over a two year period, giving brief information and advice progressing to intensive support depending on need. It is estimated that about 10% of the population will benefit from intense services (e.g., an 8 week group).


46.1    The Committee considered a joint report of the Director of Public Health and the Interim Director of Children’s Services detailing the proposed public health approach to parenting.


46.2    It was explained that evidence based parenting programmes had been proved to be effective in reducing adverse childhood experiences and behaviour problems. This approach had been instrumental in producing better outcomes for children, reduced mental health problems in parents, improved work performance and reduced sickness absence in working parents. Adverse childhood experiences had been linked to higher mortality rates in adults due to social and psychological factors such as violence, suicide, drugs and alcohol misuse. This scheme was targeted at all parents and participation was not seen as indicative of weakness or failure.


46.3    Two parents who had participated in the triple p scheme had been invited along and gave details from their own perspectives of how this had worked for them and the benefits which had resulted for them and for their families.


46.4    Councillor Wealls sought confirmation regarding the efforts that were taken to ensure that all parents would be given access to this. Lydie Lawrence explained that by rolling the scheme out this would  make it more accessible to all parents.


46.5    Councillor Brown considered that the insight provided had been very informative and enquired regarding training given to staff in schools. In answer to further questions it was explained that training was given to parents who wished to train in order to train other parents, to attend repeat sessions and to progress through to Level 3 or ultimately Level 4.


46.6         Mrs Bricknell, Sussex Community Health Trust referred to the beneficial effects of this, which provided better outcomes for parents and families and ultimately resulted in significant savings too. The work between all partner agencies including training for health visitors would be ongoing.


46.7    Andrew Jeffery, Parent Forum referred to the fact that the input given by both parents who had spoken publicly regarding what this had meant for them was inspiring. Rachel Travers, Amaze concurred stating that it was important to be aware of this approach and the ability to direct parents to it.


46.8    Councillor Pissaridou welcomed this positive approach which she considered should be made available widely across the city.


46.9    Councillor A Kitcat stated that this work was impressive and uplifting.


46.10  RESOLVED – (1) That the Committee approve a joint public health and children’s services approach to the promotion of positive parenting. This will consist of:


·        engagement with key partners and stakeholders;

·        a “Big Debate” that will help the local authority and partner agencies to ascertain the public’s views  on impact of parenting in the community and support needed for parents;

·        a media parenting information campaign that will aim to get key messages and information about services to parents and professionals; and


(2) The Committee approve the development of an implementation strategy for a whole population public health approach to parenting, informed by the consultation process above. This would mean aiming to reach 60% of parents over a two year period, giving brief information and advice progressing to intensive support depending on need. It is estimated that about 10% of the population will benefit from intense services (e.g., an 8 week group).


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