Issue - items at meetings - Funding for Road Works Permit Scheme Business Case
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Funding for Road Works Permit Scheme Business Case
Meeting: 24/01/2013 - Policy & Resources Committee (pre 2015) (Item 126)
126 Funding for Road Works Permit Scheme Business Case PDF 89 KB
Report of the Strategic Director; Place (copy attached).
Additional documents:
- Enc. 1 for Funding for Permit Scheme Business Case, item 126 PDF 186 KB View as HTML (126/2) 246 KB
- Webcast for Funding for Road Works Permit Scheme Business Case
1. That the Transport Committee’s recommendation to implement a road works permit scheme for Brighton & Hove be agreed;
2. That the one-off, non recoverable funding of up to £100k for engagement of specialist consultants to support the bid documentation design of a permit scheme system for Brighton & Hove be approved; and
3. That up to £225k of recoverable funding to set up the permit team staff, equipment and systems required to run the scheme be approved.
126.1 The Strategic Director; Place introduced the report which detailed the recommendations of the Transport Committee to establish a road works permit scheme for the city, to enable the scheduling of works and the monitoring of those works. He stated that approval was sought for the set up costs of the scheme and noted that it was intended that the scheme would be self-financing thereafter.
126.2 The Chair welcomed the report and stated that he hoped it would lead to an improved scheduling of road works throughout the city and less disruption to residents.
126.3 Councillor G. Theobald welcomed the report and suggested that it would be helpful to ensure that there was an indication as to who was responsible for the works being undertaken, so that those affected were aware of who was causing the disruption rather than assuming it was the council.
126.4 The Lead Commissioner, City Regulation & Infrastructure noted the suggestion and stated that officers needed to look at the various options and design for the proposed scheme and would take this into account.
126.5 The Chair then put the recommendations to the vote>
(1) That the Transport Committee’s recommendation to implement a road works permit scheme for Brighton & Hove be agreed;
(2) That the one-off, non recoverable funding of up to £100k for engagement of specialist consultants to support the bid documentation design of a permit scheme system for Brighton & Hove be approved; and
(3) That up to £225k of recoverable funding to set up the permit team staff, equipment and systems required to run the scheme be approved.