Issue - items at meetings - Developments at Craven Vale (JCB)

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Issue - meetings

Developments at Craven Vale (JCB)

Meeting: 28/01/2013 - Joint Commissioning Board (Item 25)

25 Developments at Craven Vale pdf icon PDF 101 KB

Report of the Director of Adult Social Services (copy attached).


(1)       That the following be noted and agreed. 


(i)         That the Adult Care & Health Committee on 28 January agreed to the development of Craven Vale to create an additional 20 bedrooms and to a formal collaboration agreement between the Council and Brighton and Hove Clinical Commissioning Group in relation to the development to enable both parties to fulfil their statutory functions.


(ii)               That the Adult Care & Health Committee on 28 January agreed to delegate power to the Director of Adult Social Services/Lead Commissioner Adult Social Care and Health to sign the collaboration agreement on behalf of the Council; subject to satisfactory terms being agreed.


(2)       That it is noted that the Policy & Resources Committee on 24 January 2013 agreed to:


(iii)       Note that the development will be delivered by Property and Design using the Council’s existing Strategic Construction Partnership. 


(iv)       Agree that delegated power is given to the Director of Adult Social Services/Lead Commissioner Adult Social Care and Health and Director of Finance and to enter into a building contract with an estimated value of £2.2million.


(v)        Agree that the Craven Vale Development be added to the Capital Programme and the capital project be approved at a total cost of £2.883m (£1.442m in 2013/14 and £1.441 in 2014/15) to be funded as detailed in paragraph 5.2 of the report.


(3)       That it be noted that the Clinical Commissioning Board held on 15 January 2013, agreed the ongoing revenue implications as set out in the report.


25.1    The Board considered a report of the Director of Adult Social Services which explained that Craven Vale, a Brighton & Hove City Council owned Resource Centre, currently had 24 community short term service beds, 7 crisis care/planned breaks beds; a total of 31 beds.  The report outlined the proposal and recommendation for an additional 20 bedrooms to give a total of 51 bedrooms at Craven Vale.  44 of these would be Community Short Term beds.   The Council’s Policy and Resources Committee had agreed the recommendations on 24th January 2013.  The Adult Care & Health Committee had agreed the recommendations on 28th January 2013. 


25.2    The Chief Operating Officer reported that the proposals had been approved by the NHS Clinical Commissioning Group Board on 15th January 2013.   


25.3    The Senior Lawyer suggested minor amendments to the recommendations to add clarity.  These were agreed and are reflected in paragraph 25.4 below.


25.4    RESOLVED – (1)     That the following be noted and agreed:


(i)         That the Adult Care & Health Committee on 28 January agreed to the development of Craven Vale to create an additional 20 bedrooms and to a formal collaboration agreement between the Council and Brighton and Hove Clinical Commissioning Group in relation to the development to enable both parties to fulfil their statutory functions.


(ii)               That the Adult Care & Health Committee on 28 January agreed to delegate power to the Director of Adult Social Services/Lead Commissioner Adult Social Care and Health to sign the collaboration agreement on behalf of the Council; subject to satisfactory terms being agreed.


(2)       That it is noted that the Policy & Resources Committee on 24 January 2013 agreed to:


(iii)       Note that the development will be delivered by Property and Design using the Council’s existing Strategic Construction Partnership. 


(iv)       Agree that delegated power is given to the Director of Adult Social Services/Lead Commissioner Adult Social Care and Health and Director of Finance and to enter into a building contract with an estimated value of £2.2million.


(v)        Agree that the Craven Vale Development be added to the Capital Programme and the capital project be approved at a total cost of £2.883m (£1.442m in 2013/14 and £1.441 in 2014/15) to be funded as detailed in paragraph 5.2 of the report.


(3)       That it be noted that the Clinical Commissioning Board held on 15 January 2013, agreed the ongoing revenue implications as set out in the report.



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