Issue - items at meetings - Super Connected Cities Plan Procurement
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Super Connected Cities Plan Procurement
Meeting: 21/03/2013 - Policy & Resources Committee (pre 2015) (Item 166)
166 Super Connected Cities Plan Procurement PDF 256 KB
Report of the Strategic Director; Place (copy attached).
Additional documents:
(1) That the council’s successful bid to the Department of Culture Media and Sport for funding to implement ultrafast broadband and improved digital connectivity in the city be noted;
(2) The Super Connected Cities Plan project be authorised to move into the procurement phase;
(3) That the Executive Director for Environment, Development & Housing be authorised to conduct an appropriate procurement and to agree and finalise the required procurement documentation;
(4) That the Executive Director for Environment, Development & Housing be granted delegated authority to award contracts to preferred bidders and agree any minor amendments to the draft contracts, as deemed necessary, and conclude the contracts accordingly; and
(5) That the funding of £3.307m from the council’s 2013/14 Capital Investment Programme for delivery of the Super Connected Cities Plan be approved. This is to be funded by grant from the Department of Culture, Media and Sport.
166.1 The Strategic Director; Place introduced the report and stated that it was intended to move forward with the procurement process detailed in paragraph 3.4 of the report. He noted that there was a tight time table as the procurement process had to be completed by March 2014 and there was a reliance on the Government confirming the position in regard to State Aid. It was hoped that an announcement would be made shortly but if the state aid clearance failed to be confirmed then there was an option to take aspects of the project forward.
166.2 The Chair noted the position and stated that he hoped the issue would be clarified and that the state aid provision secured to enable the full procurement process to go ahead, as it would benefit the city enormously.
166.3 Councillor Morgan welcomed the report and stated that it would be a large boost for the city and helpful in regard to digital inclusion for residents, although more provision was required as people moved out of the centre of the city to the outskirts.
166.4 The Chair agreed and stated that the process would lay the foundations for further development and possibly for commercial partners to take the matter forward. He then put the recommendations to the vote.
(1) That the council’s successful bid to the Department of Culture Media and Sport for funding to implement ultrafast broadband and improved digital connectivity in the city be noted;
(2) The Super Connected Cities Plan project be authorised to move into the procurement phase;
(3) That the Executive Director for Environment, Development & Housing be authorised to conduct an appropriate procurement and to agree and finalise the required procurement documentation;
(4) That the Executive Director for Environment, Development & Housing be granted delegated authority to award contracts to preferred bidders and agree any minor amendments to the draft contracts, as deemed necessary, and conclude the contracts accordingly; and
(5) That the funding of £3.307m from the council’s 2013/14 Capital Investment Programme for delivery of the Super Connected Cities Plan be approved. This is to be funded by grant from the Department of Culture, Media and Sport.
Note: Councillor Mitchell having declared a personal and prejudicial interest in the item withdrew from the chamber and took no part in the discussion or decision thereon.