Issue - items at meetings - ICT Investment Plan 2013 -2016

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Issue - meetings

ICT Investment Plan 2013 -2016

Meeting: 21/03/2013 - Policy & Resources Committee (pre 2015) (Item 159)

159 ICT Investment Plan 2013 -2016 pdf icon PDF 94 KB

Report of the Director of Finance (copy attached).

Additional documents:


(1)               That the proposed ICT Investment Plan as set out in the report for 2013-16 be approved;


(2)               That the use of an ICT Investment Reserve and the associated revenue and capital expenditure for 2013/14 which are funded by resources approved by Full Council on 28 February 2013, be approved; and


(3)               That it be noted that the expenditure after 2013/14 would be subject to available funding and approval of fully funded annual Capital Investment Programmes by Full Council.


159.1          The Director of Finance introduced the report which provided a detailed spending plan and priorities for ICT following approval at the Budget Council meeting.  She noted that further reports would be brought to the committee in regard to the actual procurement process for various contracts in due course and that options including working with SE7 partners would be considered.  She stated that in conjunction with the SE7 group, the council was looking at establishing a network of networks across the region and to extend shared working and infrastructures.


159.2          The Chair thanked the Director and stated that it was an excellent report and that priorities had been clearly identified in view of the level of investment required and the budget that was available.  The investment in ICT was important for the organisation to operate and was key to everything that the council undertook and provided.


159.3          Councillor A. Norman welcomed the report and the intention to work with partners and especially welcomed the renewal of the telephony infrastructure.


159.4          Councillor Mitchell stated that it was necessary to invest in ICT in order to enable the council to move forward and keep pace with other organisations and the needs of the council, in order to provide services.


159.5          Councillor Morgan noted that there was a report on the agenda regarding financial inclusion and queried whether digital inclusion and additional provision would be addressed by that process or the ICT investment programme.


159.6          The Director of Finance stated that the ICT investment programme provided a platform for investment and improvements to customer experience and noted that further reports would be brought forward on the delivery of the investment and how it related to financial inclusion.


159.7          The Chair noted the comments and put the recommendations to the vote.


159.8          RESOLVED:


(1)         That the proposed ICT Investment Plan as set out in the report for 2013-16 be approved;


(2)         That the use of an ICT Investment Reserve and the associated revenue and capital expenditure for 2013/14 which are funded by resources approved by Full Council on 28 February 2013, be approved; and


(3)         That it be noted that the expenditure after 2013/14 would be subject to available funding and approval of fully funded annual Capital Investment Programmes by Full Council.


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