Issue - items at meetings - Day Activities Review
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Day Activities Review
Meeting: 18/03/2013 - Adult Care & Health Committee (Item 51)
51 Day Activities Review PDF 109 KB
Report of Director of Adult Social Services (copy attached).
(1) That the progress of the Day Activities Review and the next steps proposed be noted.
(2) That the presentation of a further progress report at the next meeting in June be agreed.
51.1 The Committee considered a report of the Director of Adult Social Services which provided an update of progress on the Day Activities Review which included day activities for all vulnerable adults. The report highlighted the need to make the best use of all day centre buildings, resources and staff in order to offer effective and responsive day services across the City and also offer value for money. The report also provided an update on the future of Buckingham Road and Connaught Day Centres.
51.2 Councillor Marsh referred to direct payments and personal budgets and asked what strategies were being put in place to facilitate the take up of personal budgets by making the process easier.
51.3 The Head of Assessment Services reported that the council’s record in relation to personal budgets was good (70%). The figure for direct payments was less high. Personal budgets could be used for council services. People had the choice of whether to have direct payments or a personal budget. There was a need to support people with a learning disability to take up personal budgets.
51.4 Councillor Mears referred to paragraph 8.2 in relation to capital funding for day centres. She asked if this had been considered in the budget process and whether any budget had been identified.
51.5 Councillor Mears referred to paragraph 9.2 in relation to consultation. She would like to see a report on the outcome and views expressed in the engagement with providers, service users, carers and advocates carried out since the last meeting. Councillor Mears further referred to paragraph 10.2 in relation to in house services. She asked for a more detailed breakdown of the in house budget figures.
51.6 The Commissioner, Learning Disabilities & Older People explained that
Budget capital funding for day centres had not been identified yet, and that she would send Councillor Mears more information about the more recent engagement. The Head of Business Engagement stated that she could provide figures on day centres in the finance report to the next meeting.
51.7 Councillor Jones referred to the timescales involved in finding alternative accommodation for the Connaught Day Centre and asked if another site had been identified. The Commissioner, Learning Disabilities & Older People replied that officers were working with colleagues in education to identify a site. Councillor Jones asked officers to let him know when a site was identified.
51.8 The Chair asked officers to send members a progress update on this matter before the next committee meeting.
51.9 The Chair referred to the Fed’ Embrace Project (paragraph 8.7) and stated that this was a valuable resource. The Head of Commissioning & Partnerships informed the Committee that she would arrange for someone from the Federation to give a presentation to the Committee. Councillor Mears suggested having posters in libraries to advertise this resource. Members agreed this was a good idea.
51.10 RESOLVED - (1) That the progress of the Day Activities Review and the next steps proposed be noted.
(2) That the presentation of a further progress report at the next meeting in June be agreed.