Issue - items at meetings - Pay Policy Statement 2013-2014
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Pay Policy Statement 2013-2014
Meeting: 28/03/2013 - Council (Item 105)
105 Pay Policy Statement 2013-2014 PDF 72 KB
Additional documents:
- Enc. 1 for Pay Policy Statement 2013-2014, item 105 PDF 68 KB View as HTML (105/2) 82 KB
- Item 105 Pay Policy Statement 2013-2014 - Extract for Council 28.03.13, item 105 PDF 63 KB View as HTML (105/3) 72 KB
- Item 105 Revised Page for Pay Policy Statement 201314 (Exec Directors), item 105 PDF 47 KB View as HTML (105/4) 54 KB
- Webcast for Pay Policy Statement 2013-2014
Meeting: 21/03/2013 - Policy & Resources Committee (pre 2015) (Item 161)
161 Pay Policy Statement 2013-2014 PDF 72 KB
Report of the Director of Adult Services/Lead Commissioner Adult Social Care & Health (copy attached).
Additional documents:
- Enc. 1 for Pay Policy Statement 2013-2014, item 161 PDF 68 KB View as HTML (161/2) 82 KB
- Webcast for Pay Policy Statement 2013-2014
(1) That the Council be recommended to approve the adoption of the Pay Policy Statement 2013/14 attached at Appendix A to the report.
161.1 The Head of Law introduced the report which detailed the annual pay policy statement for 2013/14 which the council was required to produce and approve each year. He noted that the council had reviewed its policy for the publication of its pay policy in the preceding year and that it remained the same for the current year and that as part of the review of the constitution, it had been agreed that any salaries of £100k and above would be considered by the Appointments & Remuneration Panel and recommendations made to the Chief Executive rather than having to be considered by the full Council. He also drew Members’ attention to the need to alter the reference on page 81 of the report to ‘Executive Directors’ rather than Chief Officer to reflect the council’s senior officer structure.
161.2 Councillor A. Norman welcomed the report and noted that the policies referenced in paragraph 16 on page 83 of the report did not appear to be on the council’s web site and asked that this be rectified as soon as possible.
161.3 The Committee noted that the Chief Executive’s appointment remained as having to be confirmed by full Council and that the intention to enable the Appointments & Remuneration Panel to consider the appointments for posts of £100k and above was so that full and frank discussions could be held with all necessary information available to be able to make a considered recommendation to the Chief Executive. The Head of Law stated that the council was able to determine how it dealt with the appointment process and noted that other neighbouring authorities had adopted similar procedures rather than expecting full council to consider such matters.
161.4 RESOLVED: That the Council be recommended to approve the adoption of the Pay Policy Statement 2013/14 attached at Appendix A to the report.