Issue - items at meetings - New Homes for Neighbourhoods - Estate Regeneration Programme
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New Homes for Neighbourhoods - Estate Regeneration Programme
Meeting: 21/03/2013 - Policy & Resources Committee (pre 2015) (Item 175)
175 New Homes for Neighbourhoods - Estate Regeneration Programme PDF 73 KB
Extract from the proceedings of the Housing Committee meeting held on the 6th March 2013, together with a report of the Strategic Director; Place (copy attached).
Additional documents:
- New Homes for Neighbourhoods - Estate Regeneration Programme, item 175 PDF 150 KB View as HTML (175/2) 222 KB
- Enc. 1 for New Homes for Neighbourhoods - Estate Regeneration Programme, item 175 PDF 116 KB
- Enc. 2 for New Homes for Neighbourhoods - Estate Regeneration Programme, item 175 PDF 150 KB
- Enc. 3 for New Homes for Neighbourhoods - Estate Regeneration Programme, item 175 PDF 57 KB View as HTML (175/5) 49 KB
- Webcast for New Homes for Neighbourhoods - Estate Regeneration Programme
(1) That the four vacant and unlettable prefabricated bungalow units in the rear gardens of 243-245 Preston Road, Brighton (as shown on the annexed plan at Appendix 1) be demolished as required to enable redevelopment of that garden site with new housing, subject to planning consent, under Phase 2 of the Estate Regeneration Programme as outlined in paragraphs 3.21 and 3.22 of the report;
(2) That the vacant former Housing Office at Manor Place, Brighton (as shown on the annexed plan at Appendix 2 to the report) be demolished in order to be redeveloped, subject to planning consent, under Phase 2 of the Estate Regeneration Programme as outlined in paragraph 3.23 of the report.
175.1 The Strategic Director; Place introduced the report which had been referred from the Housing Committee as it recommended the demolition of buildings in order to enable the progress of the estate regeneration programme.
175.2 Councillor Wakefield welcomed the report and noted that progress was being made and hoped that approval for the proposed demolition would be given.
175.3 Councillor Mitchell referred to page 529 and paragraph 3.23 and asked that consideration be given to the tenant profile for the new accommodation that would replace the old manor place housing, having regard to that of the existing Robert Lodge.
175.4 The Head of City Regeneration stated that the point had been raised at the Housing Committee meeting and it was intended that residents of the new accommodation would be in keeping and consistent with the community profile at Robert Lodge.
175.5 Councillor Morgan queried whether reference in the recommendations should be made to consultation with ward councillors and local community groups in regard to the new accommodation and tenants.
175.6 The Head of City Regeneration stated that it was intended to involve ward councillors and local community groups in consultation on the regeneration of the area and this had been confirmed at the Housing Committee meeting.
175.7 Councillor Wakefield stated that as Chair of the Housing Committee she was happy to reassure Councillor Morgan that there would be a full consultation process involving ward councillors and community groups.
175.8 Councillor Peltzer Dunn stated that the committee was being asked to approve the demolition of the buildings and not the process for the new accommodation and therefore suggested that the Chair of Housing Committee’s undertaking should be accepted.
175.9 The Chair stated that there was an undertaking from both the Head of Service and the Chair of the Committee to involve residents and ward councillors and therefore it should be sufficient to note that and put the recommendations to the vote.
175.10 RESOLVED:
(1) That the four vacant and unlettable prefabricated bungalow units in the rear gardens of 243-245 Preston Road, Brighton (as shown on the annexed plan at Appendix 1) be demolished as required to enable redevelopment of that garden site with new housing, subject to planning consent, under Phase 2 of the Estate Regeneration Programme as outlined in paragraphs 3.21 and 3.22 of the report;
(2) That the vacant former Housing Office at Manor Place, Brighton (as shown on the annexed plan at Appendix 2 to the report) be demolished in order to be redeveloped, subject to planning consent, under Phase 2 of the Estate Regeneration Programme as outlined in paragraph 3.23 of the report.
Note: Councillor Shanks having declared a personal and prejudicial interest in the item withdrew from the chamber and took no part in the discussion or decision thereon.
Meeting: 06/03/2013 - Housing Committee (pre 2015) (Item 55)
55 New Homes for Neighbourhoods - Estate Regeneration Programme PDF 152 KB
Report of Strategic Director, Place
Additional documents:
- Enc. 1 for New Homes for Neighbourhoods - Estate Regeneration Programme
- Enc. 2 for New Homes for Neighbourhoods - Estate Regeneration Programme
- Enc. 3 for New Homes for Neighbourhoods - Estate Regeneration Programme
(1) That the Housing Committee note the next steps and processes in the proposed Estate Regeneration Programme.
(2) That the Housing Committee note progress with the garage site procurement (Phase 1 of the Estate Regeneration Programme) and give delegated authority to the Strategic Director of Place in consultation with the Director of Finance and Resources to award the contract following completion of procurement of a delivery partner for the development of new housing at the sites specified in paragraphs 3.12 and 3.13 in the report and any substitute or additional garage sites.
(3) That the Housing Committee recommend that the Policy and Resources Committee agree:
(i) that the four vacant and unlettable prefabricated bungalow units in the rear gardens of 243-245 Preston Road, Brighton (as shown on the annexed plan at Appendix 1) be demolished as required to enable redevelopment of that garden site with new housing, subject to planning consent, under Phase 2 of the Estate Regeneration Programme as outlined in paragraphs 3.21 and 3.22 in the report;
(ii) that the vacant former Housing Office at Manor Place, Brighton (as shown on the annexed plan at Appendix 2) be demolished in order to be redeveloped, subject to planning consent, under Phase 2 of the Estate Regeneration Programme as outlined in paragraph 3.23 below;
(4) That the Housing Committee agree that a range of funding, rent and homeownership options should be provided in new housing to be developed on HRA land under the Estate Regeneration Programme in order to ensure that development is viable and to increase the number of new homes the Estate Regeneration Programme can deliver, as set out in paragraphs 3.31 to 3.42 in the report.
55.1 The Committee considered the report of the Head of City Regeneration on New Homes for Neighbourhoods, Estate Regeneration Programme. The report updated the Committee on progress with the development of new affordable housing on council owned Housing Revenue Account (HRA) land. It reported the creation of a small Estate Regeneration team in a new City Regeneration Unit and outlined the proposed framework for an Estate Regeneration Programme of three phases and how it will be delivered.
55.2 The Head of City Regeneration presented the report and referred the Committee to the Recommendations, and said that on legal advice recommendation 2.3 (3) would be withdrawn. That recommendation asked for delegated authority to be given to the Housing Committee to approve any further demolition of buildings on HRA land. Legal advice was that under the current constitution this was not possible. The matter would be considered when the constitution was reviewed.
55.3 Councillor Farrow referred to paragraph 3.26 which related to Self Build Housing, and asked if Housing Cooperatives could be involved. Councillor Farrow referred to paragraph 3.35 and asked the Head of City Regeneration whether there could be a rent level between Target Rent and Affordable Rent. The Chair said that she too would like Housing Cooperatives to be involved and agreed that it was important to keep rent levels as low as possible.
55.4 Councillor Mears noted that a report went to Cabinet on developing new homes on HRA land back in November 2010, and was concerned that the current anticipated time for completion of works to the former garage sites was still some years away and asked if the time line could be looked at. Councillor Mears referred to paragraph 3.24 and asked what steps were being taken to enable the sale of the former Whitehawk Library site.
55.5 Councillor Barnett said she was also concerned at the potential time for completion of the former garage sites.
55.6 Councillor Jarrett agreed that things did move slowly and asked officers to consider ways of speeding up the process. With regard to rent levels, Councillor Jarrett noted that if people were currently paying 100% market rent in the private rented sector, then Affordable Rent of 73% market rent in a new council home would be a big improvement. The more money collected in rent, would result in more properties being built.
55.7 Councillor Powell agreed that the sale of the former Library site was important and asked officers to look into the matter. Councillor Powell referred to paragraph 5.7 and noted that 5% of the new units would be wheelchair adapted and asked how many that would be.
55.8 The Head of City Regeneration referred to the former Whitehawk Library site and said that Cabinet approval had previously been given to sell the site with the assumption it would achieve a capital value of £1m. Development options were being considered with corporate partners, but the prior approval of Cabinet had to be considered. Rent levels would be fully considered for each scheme, and reports for scheme approval would come to a future meeting of the Housing Committee. The 5% of new units being wheelchair adapted would equate to one unit. The development of new housing was important, and everything would be done to ensure all steps were undertaken as quickly as possible.
55.9 Councillor Peltzer Dunn noted that there were nine possible garage sites in the package to be offered to one developer, and suggested that if some sites were offered to smaller providers the process could be speeded up. Councillor Peltzer Dunn also referred to the table of rent levels and asked what the current average housing association rent was for a two bedroom property. The Head of City Regeneration said that the sites were being packaged together as it was thought that that would make it more attractive to developers, but soft marketing was being undertaken to test the market. With regard to rent, the allocation of homes would not exclusively be to those who were currently in the private rented sector, and the rents would be in line with housing association rents. The Head of Financial Services (HRA) said that housing association rents were calculated using the government set formula so it was likely the Target Rent for a housing association property would be the same as for a similar council home.
55.10 Councillor Peltzer Dunn asked that when the Constitution was reviewed that a request be made that Housing Committee be given authority to approve the demolition of buildings on HRA land. The solicitor confirmed that such authorisation was already included in the draft Constitution which would be considered by the Policy & Resources Committee and Full Council.
(1) That the Housing Committee note the next steps and processes in the proposed Estate Regeneration Programme.
(2) That the Housing Committee note progress with the garage site procurement (Phase 1 of the Estate Regeneration Programme) and give delegated authority to the Strategic Director of Place in consultation with the Director of Finance and Resources to award the contract following completion of procurement of a delivery partner for the development of new housing at the sites specified in paragraphs 3.12 and 3.13 in the report and any substitute or additional garage sites.
(3) That the Housing Committee recommend that the Policy and Resources Committee agree:
(i) that the four vacant and unlettable prefabricated bungalow units in the rear gardens of 243-245 Preston Road, Brighton (as shown on the annexed plan at Appendix 1) be demolished as required to enable redevelopment of that garden site with new housing, subject to planning consent, under Phase 2 of the Estate Regeneration Programme as outlined in paragraphs 3.21 and 3.22 in the report;
(ii) that the vacant former Housing Office at Manor Place, Brighton (as shown on the annexed plan at Appendix 2) be demolished in order to be redeveloped, subject to planning consent, under Phase 2 of the Estate Regeneration Programme as outlined in paragraph 3.23 below;
(4) That the Housing Committee agree that a range of funding, rent and homeownership options should be provided in new housing to be developed on HRA land under the Estate Regeneration Programme in order to ensure that development is viable and to increase the number of new homes the Estate Regeneration Programme can deliver, as set out in paragraphs 3.31 to 3.42 in the report.