Issue - items at meetings - HCA Empty Property Funding Allocation
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HCA Empty Property Funding Allocation
Meeting: 21/03/2013 - Policy & Resources Committee (pre 2015) (Item 174)
174 HCA Empty Property Funding Allocation PDF 63 KB
Extract from the proceedings of the Housing Committee meeting held on the 6th March 2013, together with a report of the Strategic Director; Place (copy attached).
Additional documents:
- HCA Empty Property Funding Allocation, item 174 PDF 103 KB View as HTML (174/2) 107 KB
- Webcast for HCA Empty Property Funding Allocation
(1) That the Empty Property Capital Scheme be approved and the Capital Programme updated with budgets of £405k in 2013/14 and £495k in 2014/15 to be funded by £900k HCA capital grant (of which £675k relates to BHCC and £225k relates to Lewes to be managed via BHCC); and
(2) That forward funding to a maximum of £200k be approved for the project due to the timing issues of awarding funding and the subsequent grant claim as detailed in paragraph 3.20 of the report.
(1) That the Empty Property Capital Scheme be approved and the Capital Programme updated with budgets of £405k in 2013/14 and £495k in 2014/15 to be funded by £900k HCA capital grant (of which £675k relates to BHCC and £225k relates to Lewes to be managed via BHCC); and
(2) That forward funding to a maximum of £200k be approved for the project due to the timing issues of awarding funding and the subsequent grant claim as detailed in paragraph 3.20 of the report.
Meeting: 06/03/2013 - Housing Committee (pre 2015) (Item 61)
61 HCA Empty Property Funding Allocation PDF 103 KB
Report of Strategic Director, Place
Contact Officer: Martin Reid Tel:29-3321
Ward Affected: All Wards
(1) That the Housing Committee note the successful bid to the Homes & Communities Agency for funding under the Empty Homes Programme 2012-15 (currently subject to contract).
(2) Delegate authority to Strategic Director Place to enter into the Empty Homes (Revolving Fund) Agreement (2012-15 allocation (local authority)), the key elements of which are set out in paragraph [3.22] of this report.
61.1 The Committee considered the report of the Strategic Director Place. The report provided information on the Homes & Communities Agency Empty Property Funding.
(1) That the Housing Committee:
(i) Note the successful bid to the Homes & Communities Agency for funding under the Empty Homes Programme 2012-15 (currently subject to contract).
(ii) Delegate authority to Strategic Director Place to enter into the Empty Homes (Revolving Fund) Agreement (2012-15 allocation (local authority)), the key elements of which are set out in paragraph (3.22) to the report.
(2) That the Housing Committee recommend that Policy & Resources Committee:
(i) Approve the Empty Property Capital Scheme and update the Capital Programme with budgets of £405K in 2013/14 and £495k in 2014/15 to be funded by £900k HCA capital grant (of which £675k relates to BHCC and £225k relates to Lewes to be managed via BHCC)
(ii) Approve forward funding to a maximum of £200k for this project due to the timing issues of awarding funding and the subsequent grant claim as detailed in paragraph 3.20 to the report.