Issue - items at meetings - Medina House Planning Brief

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Issue - meetings

Medina House Planning Brief

Meeting: 19/09/2013 - Economic Development & Culture Committee (Item 25)

25 Medina House Planning Brief pdf icon PDF 76 KB

Report of the Executive Director of Environment, Development & Housing (copy attached).

Additional documents:


25.1    The Committee considered a report of the Executive Director, Environment, Development and Housing seeking formal approval of the planning brief which had been prepared for Medina House and its adjacent associated plot on Hove seafront in order to help guide  future development  proposals relating to the site.








25.--    RESOLVED – That the  Economic Development and Culture Committee note the results of the Consultation Report (Appendix 2) and approves the  Medina House Planning Brief as a material consideration in the assessment of development  proposals and planning  applications relating to the site.


25.1    The Committee considered a report of the Executive Director, Environment, Development and Housing seeking formal approval of the Planning Brief which had been prepared for Medina House and its adjacent associated plot on Hove seafront in order to help guide future development proposals relating to the site. The circulated Brief built upon the previous draft which had been circulated for public consultation. The consultation process had now been completed and had informed the preparation of the “Medina House Planning Brief” which was attached as an appendix to the report.


25.2    It was noted that the Brief had been prepared in response to a petition to the Council requesting that it set out its planning requirements for the site, following a number of earlier refusals of planning permission and related appeals which had been dismissed by the Planning Inspectorate.


25.3    The Planning Projects Manager explained that 42 further responses had been received and taken on board by the final stage of the consultation process which had now been completed. Minor amendments had been made as a result of the consultation process although essentially the document remained unaltered.


25.4    Councillor Brown welcomed the document which she hoped would encourage a suitable scheme to be brought forward for the site.


25.5    Councillor Hawtree concurred stating that it was important for anyone seeking to develop the site to recognise that the building came with responsibilities attached both for the building itself and for the neighbourhood.


25.6    RESOLVED – That the  Economic Development and Culture Committee note the results of the Consultation Report (Appendix 2) and approves the Medina House Planning Brief as a material consideration in the assessment of development  proposals and planning  applications relating to the site.


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