Issue - items at meetings - Coastal Defence Strategy - Brighton Marina to River Adur
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Coastal Defence Strategy - Brighton Marina to River Adur
Meeting: 02/05/2013 - Policy & Resources Committee (pre 2015) (Item 186)
186 Coastal Defence Strategy - Brighton Marina to River Adur PDF 89 KB
Report of the Executive Director for Environment, Development & Housing (copy attached).
Additional documents:
- Enc. 1 for Coastal Defence Strategy - Brighton Marina to River Adur, item 186 PDF 62 KB View as HTML (186/2) 26 KB
- Webcast for Coastal Defence Strategy - Brighton Marina to River Adur
(1) That the officers be authorised to undertake consultation on a number of management options for coastal defences within the 3 defined sections of the coast between Brighton Marina and the River Adur as set out in paragraph 3.6 of the report; and
(2) That the results of the consultation be reported back to the Environment, Transport & Sustainability Committee, in order that a preferred option for the defence of this section of the city’s coast can be considered and agreed.
186.1 The Executive Director for Environment, Development & Housing introduced the report which detailed the need for a risk-based management strategy for coast defence to ensure that the city’s coastline was not adversely affected by coastal erosion and sea flooding. He noted that the preparation of a draft strategy had started last year and working with Adur and Worthing Councils a further information gathering exercise was being undertaken by officers, in accordance with DEFRA requirements.
186.2 Councillor West stated that it was an important report and that whilst funding was available for some works that may result from the review, there could be costs associated with improvement works as recommended by review which would fall to the council unless other government funding was made available. He suggested that consideration needed to be given to this possibility and to how areas outside of the study could be accounted for and whether costs would be shared across those authorities affected. He also noted that the emerging seafront strategy would need t take account of key environmental aspects as well as sea defences. It was likely that the council would be faced with some difficult choices in the near future.
186.3 Councillor Mitchell stated that it was a crucial report both ecologically and environmentally and there costs of works against assets had to be given due consideration e.g. the A259 which was an important route but in need of repair. She hoped that further studies outside the initial one referred to in the report would be made and welcomed the intention to work with Lewes District Council.
186.4 Councillor G. Theobald welcomed the report and stated that he would like further information in due course in relation to those areas of works that were likely to be required and would have a significant cost e.g. at the mouth of the River Adur and therefore how these would be met across the authorities affected.
186.5 The Executive Director for Environment, Development & Housing stated that it was not yet possible to identify the financial liabilities for such aspects at this time, but he hoped it could be included in future reports to committee.
186.6 The Chair noted the comments and proposed that an amendment be made to recommendation 2.2 so that the results of the consultation were reported back to the Environment, Transport & Sustainability Committee rather than to Policy & Resources.
186.7 The amendment was accepted by the committee and the Chair put the recommendations to the vote.
(1) That the officers be authorised to undertake consultation on a number of management options for coastal defences within the 3 defined sections of the coast between Brighton Marina and the River Adur as set out in paragraph 3.6 of the report; and
(2) That the results of the consultation be reported back to the Environment, Transport & Sustainability Committee, in order that a preferred option for the defence of this section of the city’s coast can be considered and agreed.