Issue - items at meetings - Adoption of Shoreham Harbour Development Brief (June 2013)
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Adoption of Shoreham Harbour Development Brief (June 2013)
Meeting: 19/09/2013 - Economic Development & Culture Committee (Item 24)
24 South Portslade Industrial Estate and Aldrington Basin Development Brief PDF 94 KB
Report of the Executive Director of Environment, Development & Housing (copy attached).
Additional documents:
- 130905 SPAB Brief1, item 24 PDF 18 MB
- Enc. 2 for South Portslade and Aldrington Basin Development Brief, item 24 PDF 70 KB View as HTML (24/3) 20 KB
24.1 The Committee considered a report of the Executive Director, Environment, Development and Housing which presented for final approval a development brief for the South Portslade Industrial Estate and Aldrington Basin at Shoreham Harbour.
24.2 It was noted that the Brief had been prepared to give planning guidance to guide investment and interest from developers in those areas in advance of more formal planning documents which were under preparation. The planning brief reflected a realistic approach to regeneration following a re-appraisal of previous larger-scale proposals for the whole of Shoreham Harbour. The draft brief had been approved for consultation at a meeting of this Committee in January 2013. The Brief had been subject to several rounds of public consultation as well as a Sustainability Appraisal. A copy of the Development Brief iwas attached as Appendix 1 and a summary of points made and the Council’s response was contained in Appendix 2.
24.-- RESOLVED - That the Economic Development & Culture Committee notes the summary of the Consultation Statement and approves the ‘’South Portslade Industrial Estate and Aldrington Basin Development Brief” as a material planning consideration in the assessment of development proposals and planning applications.
24.1 The Committee considered a report of the Executive Director, Environment, Development and Housing which presented for final approval a development brief for the South Portslade Industrial Estate and Aldrington Basin at Shoreham Harbour.
24.2 It was noted that the Brief had been prepared to give planning guidance to guide investment and interest from developers in those areas in advance of more formal planning documents which were under preparation. The planning brief reflected a realistic approach to regeneration following a re-appraisal of previous larger-scale proposals for the whole of Shoreham Harbour. The draft brief had been approved for consultation at a meeting of this Committee in January 2013. The Brief had been subject to several rounds of public consultation as well as a Sustainability Appraisal. A copy of the Development Brief was attached as Appendix 1 and a summary of points made and the Council’s response was contained in Appendix 2.
24.3 It was noted that a submission prepared by Councillor Petltzer Dunn one of the Local Ward Councillors detailing his views and concerns had been circulated to Members prior to the meeting.
24.4 Councillor Brown circulated a proposed Conservative amendment which had been seconded by Councillor Fitch
“2.1 Amendment: That the Economic Development and Culture Committee notes the summary of the Consutation Statement and approves the “South Portslade Industrial Estate and Aldrington Basin Development Brief” (subject to recommendation 2.2 below) as a material planning consideration in the assessment of development proposals and planning applications.
2.2 That in relation to Aldrington Basin, on the South side of Kingsway, in order to protect the amenity of the West Hove townscape, any development shall not exceed the height of the recently built Vega flats and that the planning brief be amended accordingly.”
24.5 In introducing the report the Head of Planning and Public Protection explained that he was also proposing that an amendment be made to the recommendations set out in the report which he hoped would address the issues raised by Councillors Peltzer Dunn and Brown. issues raised. Page 73 of the development brief against the heading SPAB29; Building heights and townscape considerations he proposed that the following footnote be added:
“For the purposes of this development brief a single storey is considered to be 3 metres in height.”
24.6 The Head of Planning and Public Protection sought confirmation from Councillor Brown as to whether his proposed amendment addressed her concerns. She replied that she did not consider that they did in their entirety and that she wished her proposed amendment to be put to the Committee for its consideration. Councillor Brown explained that whilst broadly welcoming the development brief, she was none the less concerned that it was ensured that the necessary mitigation works were undertaken to the surrounding road network. In the absence of these works she did not consider that the potential development proposed would be viable.
24.7 The Legal Adviser to the Committee sought confirmation from the Head of Planning and Public Protection that the proposed amendment could be supported in planning policy terms and he stated that he did not consider that it was, bearing in mind that the site was sensitive and there needed to be a tie in with Adur and Worthing Councils. He considered however that it would be appropriate for a footnote to be added which would enable the planning brief to be amended in order to avoid discrepancies between the Committees’ Resolution and the wording contained in the planning brief itself.
24.8 Councillor Mears stated that in her view it was important to have a strong and robust approach. In the past some £3m of public money had been spent by SEEDA (now defunct) only for the plans devised to go back to the drawing board. Councillor Mears was pleased to note the progress that had been made and hoped that speedy solutions could be found to the remaining issues.
24.9 Councillor Hawtree stated that he considered that as there were a number of issues to be addressed, the process was a lengthy one. He considered that it was important to take the long view. The site had great potential and if carried forward in the right way this would encourage and facilitate the appropriate schemes in coming forward.
24.10 The proposed amendment was then formally put by the Chair including the additional words suggested by the Head of Planning and Public Protection Members voted unanimously to approve the recommendations set out below:
24.11 RESOLVED – (1) That the Economic Development & Culture Committee notes the summary of the Consultation Statement and approves the “South Portslade Industrial Estate and Aldrington Basin Development Brief” (subject to recommendation 2 below) as a material planning consideration in the assessment of development proposals and planning applications; and
(2) That in relation to Aldrington Basin, on the South side of Kingsway, in order to protect the amenity of the West Hove townscape, any development shall not exceed the height of the recently built Vega flats and that the planning brief be amended accordingly.