Issue - items at meetings - HCA Empty Property Funding Round 2 Bid
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HCA Empty Property Funding Round 2 Bid
Meeting: 19/06/2013 - Housing Committee (pre 2015) (Item 10)
10 HCA Empty Property Funding Round 2 Bid PDF 107 KB
Report of Executive Director – Environment, Development & Housing (copy attached).
That the Housing Committee:
(1) Note the bid to the Homes & Communities Agency for funding under the Empty Homes Programme Round 2 2013-15 (currently subject to contract).
(2) [Subject to bid outcome] Delegate authority to Executive Director Environment Development & Housing to enter into the Empty Homes (Round 2) Agreement (2013-15 allocation (local authority)) with the HCA (Homes & Communities Agency) ,the key elements of which are set out in paragraphs 3.14 & 3.22 of the report.
10.1 The Committee considered the report of the Executive Director Environment Development and Housing which provided an update on HCA empty property funding. Mr Reid, Head of Housing Strategy, and Emma Kumar (Empty Property Officer) presented the report.
10.2 Councillor Mears thanked officers for the report, and asked for a report on how the New Homes Bonus funding was being spent. The Chair agreed that a report would come to a future meeting of the committee.
10.3 Councillor Wilson asked why the amount awarded in Round 1 per property was a different ratio to the bid per property in Round 2. Ms Kumar said that Round 2 was for a loan scheme and so it was possible to bid for a higher amount. It was possible that the amount awarded would be less. Councillor Peltzer Dunn asked whether a reduction in funding would lead to a reduction in the number of properties brought back into use. Ms Kumar confirmed it would, but added that funding was only one method used to bring properties back into use.
That the Housing Committee:
(1) Note the bid to the Homes & Communities Agency for funding under the Empty Homes Programme Round 2 2013-15 (currently subject to contract).
(2) [Subject to bid outcome] Delegate authority to Executive Director Environment Development & Housing to enter into the Empty Homes (Round 2) Agreement (2013-15 allocation (local authority)) with the HCA (Homes & Communities Agency) ,the key elements of which are set out in paragraphs 3.14 & 3.22 of the report.